Recent content by macsnax

  1. M

    Hello All glad to be apart of the Community

    I have the hso auto nycd I'll be popping soon.
  2. M

    Boron or Phosphorus def. or ?

    Given your situation I would try a light dose of veg nutes and some micros. That poor guy has been through a lot. If you can't correct it soon, you may want to start over. Your leaves almost have that twisted look of being nuked with N.Just my opinion though, good luck buddy.
  3. M


    Do you have drainage holes in the solo cups?
  4. M

    Hello All glad to be apart of the Community

    NYCD is one of my favs. Who's the breeder?
  5. M

    Inacid's Indoor Lucky Charms SCROG Grow Journal, 2017

    Mmm... Lucky Charms, they're magically delicious. I had some a while back, pretty damn good weed.
  6. M


    Nice, have fun .
  7. M


    My first thoughts were the same as MsSin's. Your canopy is pretty level. If you supercrop and bring your canopy out too wide, you will probably need support later in flower. As far as increased thc, I don't know if it increases or not.
  8. M


    That's the rumor anyway....
  9. M

    Anyone willing to share something embarrassing they did growing cannabis?

    Not paying attention and picked a flowering plant straight up into my cool tube. Kinda smushed the main cola, by the time it finished it looked fox tailed with 5 heads to the bud. Got lazy, didn't do routine cleaning of my humidifier, ended up with some bud mold.
  10. M

    Can someone help me diagnose this?

    What kind of water are you using? Tap,bottled, r/o?
  11. M

    Flowering stage and moving plants

    Your plants will be fine under the different spectrums as you describe. And yes it's the dark period that should not be interrupted.
  12. M


    Make sure when you squeeze you also kind of move it back and forth while squeezing. You want to damage the inside of the stem not so much the outside.
  13. M

    Can someone help me diagnose this?

    I don't use LEDs either, maybe COBs soon. I based my opinion on what I've seen other growers with their LEDs to close. My first thing was a potassium deficiency, but with his ph at 6.1-6.2 potassium should not be locked out. .
  14. M

    Can someone help me diagnose this?

    If the off chance it continues to get worse after you raise the light. Start looking at root issues, that's unlikely as well though. I'm pretty sure it's your light. Good luck
  15. M

    Can someone help me diagnose this?

    I really doubt you have a nute issue here. Raise those LEDs, they're known for this kind of thing if too close.
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