Recent content by matabrancos

  1. M

    Need urgent solution for white flies

    Hello , i have a case of white flies in my cannabis plant , i have researched online i found mostly recipes of sprays you can make to prevent them but nothing about actually wipping them out which is what i need. This is very urgent as my plant is in late stages of flowering and theire starting...
  2. M

    Dry Brittle Leaves

    I will post results in 2 days , i just sprayed int on a couple of leaves like you told me too , except i used 1 clove and 1 chilli, do you think the mixture would be too strong for a littre of water? Another thing , when im done purging these thrics , is there anything i could use to maybe help...
  3. M

    Dry Brittle Leaves

    I will definetly try that Thank you good sir !
  4. M

    Dry Brittle Leaves

    Ill try the chilli and garlic , but is there anyway you could try to explain a little more clearly how to prepare it? With quantities for the chilli and garlic if possible.
  5. M

    Dry Brittle Leaves

    You mean chop them down and proceed to drying ? I think that they are still a little too "green" for harvest , i was going to wait untill late july or maybe beginning of august
  6. M

    Dry Brittle Leaves

    What Strain is it? -There is no way i can be sure because the 2 plants i own(both different strains) where given to me when they were already at early stages of flowering, the possible strains are Northern Haze , or Capital+. Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages? -Sativa How Many...
  7. M

    Dry Brittle Leaves

    Ill work on filling in that template asap!
  8. M

    Dry Brittle Leaves

    It could be tthose thrip guys because i just found this little buddy( sorry its hard to get high res at this distance) , noticed the color patterns in his back. Even though i only found that one specimen while going trough the leaves i have also found traces of what could be eggs
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  10. M

    Dry Brittle Leaves

    Its not white stuff its like peeling. I dont think it could be either of those things because my other plant which is right next to it seems to be unaffected by any kind of fungus.i know that by the time you notice powdery mildew its hopeless so i really hope you are wrong. Have you seen a...
  11. M

    Dry Brittle Leaves

    So i have noticed a while back that the surface of the leaves in one of my plants are very dry and brittle looking , and some of the small leaves that grow inside the buds located at the base of my plant are even drying too , seeing the buds partially drying allerted me to the fact that this...
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