Recent content by Matleyjay1992

  1. M

    Hellooo guys

    YEa that’s the one mate & thanks I sure will Ben doing pina delprea ,
  2. M

    Hellooo guys

    Thanks guys and 100 % co co pro
  3. M

    Hellooo guys

    On low nutes *
  4. M

    Hellooo guys

    Nice one mate you got any tips for me & how long till I start her a low nutes ?
  5. M

    Hellooo guys

    Hellloo this is my first grow and just wanted to put a pic of my plant at day 5 and would like to no if it is all good
  6. 3D6344CA-4F20-4951-9249-1513ED290C18.jpeg


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