Recent content by Medeltids

  1. M

    High-end video lights for grow room?

    Thanks. Any additional input certainly appreciated. Ciao
  2. M

    High-end video lights for grow room?

    I've been an independent video producer for 15+ years and have a ton of lighting equipment. The fixtures in question are these: I own two of the Model LFS 4/55 units (on the left) and have both 3200 kelvin and 5600...
  3. M

    New old guy - Grew 25 years ago - Getting up to speed

    Hello all. The landscape of mj has changed drastically since my days as a (younger) Humboldt hippy 25+ years ago. Moved on from that time and, as life often does, things have come full circle. So consider this my formal introduction. Thanks to all who contribute to this wonderful...
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