Recent content by Medic1

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  2. M

    Federal Ban Is Barring Access To Medical Marijuana For Veterans

    As a disabled vet taking Morphine and Valium for nerve damage and side effects from the medication I have to take for that I would love to have a chance to try cannabis for my situation. I once asked my VA doctor what the VA's stance on cannabis was and ended up going in every month for pill...
  3. M

    Cannabis Drug Testing Rules At Workplace Still Not Clear

    I do not advocate being under the influence during working hours by either cannabis or alcohol. So much for the martini lunch bunch. Anyone that has any real experience with either can tell just by looking at another whether or not they are indulging. As for cannabis addition, it is basically...
  4. M

    Pot Backers Fear Worst As Vote Nears On Marijuana Foe Sessions For Attorney General

    Re: Pot Backers Fear Worst As Vote Nears On Marijuana Foe Sessions For Attorney Gener I think it's a choice between keeping the money stream open to the politicians or giving it back to the cartels. Which one do you think they will choose?
  5. M

    As Marijuana Becomes Legal In Maine, Governor Seeks Funding For Rules

    I have always wondered if any of the people on committees concerning cannabis regulations have any personal experience with the herb. In the past, I attended committee meetings on medicinal use regulation and it was grossly obvious that none of the committee participants had any first hand...
  6. M

    Cottage420's Pepetual Grow - 2nd Grow in Progress Organic Soil Indoor

    Bo, nice looking job. As far as your request for suggestions, check this out, well worth the money and you'll learn a ton of good info. Start with the basics and learn what your strains like or don't like. Pay close attention and they will let you know. As far as your security issue, Simply Safe...
  7. M

    Marijuana Industry Reacts To Trump Attorney General Appointment

    I'm not worried, I've survived this long so I don't think anything is going to change how I do things. Wide open or back to the trenches? PS not all of us old people have changed our stance on the cannabis issue, (pushin 70)
  8. M

    Marijuana Industry Reacts To Trump Attorney General Appointment

    Lets worry less about who is AG and go to work to have cannabis rescheduled!
  9. M

    Marijuana Industry Fears If Sessions Is Confirmed, Dispensaries Could Get Shut Down

    Re: Marijuana Industry Fears If Sessions Is Confirmed, Dispensaries Could Get Shut Do There are valid arguments on both sides of this issue and I thank everyone for their input. The way I see it is no matter what happens or who is AG the movement will continue forward or it will revert back to...
  10. M

    Marijuana Industry Fears If Sessions Is Confirmed, Dispensaries Could Get Shut Down

    Re: Marijuana Industry Fears If Sessions Is Confirmed, Dispensaries Could Get Shut Do As a senior citizen and disabled vet it is not surprising the confusion and media exacerbation of many things concerning the new president and his potential administration and the effect it could, might...
  11. M

    Obama Should Reschedule Marijuana Now

    With very little legacy that will be left in tact, reclassifying cannabis would go a long for some of us to give him at least some credit for doing something good for the people of America.
  12. M

    The Marijuana Industry Needs To Stand Up To Jeff Sessions

    Any backward movement of the gains that have been made by the cannabis advocates would bring unwanted negative impact on a new administration and especially a new president. Since more people in this country want legal cannabis than don't a dip in popularity at the beginning of a new...
  13. M

    'Prince Of Pot' Marc Emery Arrested During Marijuana Dispensary Raids In Montreal

    For years I have watched Marc Emery endure persecution for his effort to see cannabis legal, I commend his effort and persistence. He is correct that the only change will come when the outcry becomes so great that the powers have no other choice but make it so. God Bless YOU and YOURS MARC, I...
  14. M

    We Need Scientific Integrity In Cannabis Policy

    To those of us that have been involved with cannabis for over 50 years, this is not news. The federal government has preferred to demonize cannabis and any search into the grants given out to study its negative effects is well documented. The ability to study cannabis and reclassification by the...
  15. M

    ME: Augusta To Consider Marijuana Moratorium

    Typically, our government bureaucrats must come up with a plan to make things difficult for the new legalization effort that they never planned ahead for as usual.
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