Recent content by Mellowmarcus5

  1. M

    Ask Us Anything: Sharing Knowledge 420 Style

    Thought she was in flowering but she isn't responding well to the lights? Any advice?
  2. M

    Ask Us Anything: Sharing Knowledge 420 Style

    Got these in the mail yesterday and I wanna use them today but I don't wanna make a mistake and kill my plants. So can anybody explain how to properly use these? I have one plant in veg and one in flower. Both in 3 gallon smart pots. Any help would be great thanks!
  3. M

    Ask Us Anything: Sharing Knowledge 420 Style

    They're in flowering? I've had them on 18/6 should I change it? And they're in 2 gallon pots should I change it? I thought they were too small
  4. M

    Ask Us Anything: Sharing Knowledge 420 Style

    What kind do you suggest?
  5. M

    Ask Us Anything: Sharing Knowledge 420 Style

    Anybody know where they're at and if I'm doing something wrong? Haven't really been sure what I'm doing to be honest
  6. M

    First time grower! Advice greatly appreciated - Germinating 9 seeds

    Here's my 2 plants. Any idea where they're at and what strain? I'm not exactly sure how they should look and if I'm doing the right thing...
  7. M

    First time grower! Advice greatly appreciated - Germinating 9 seeds

    My plants have gotten a lot bigger but not as big as I think they should be. I'll post a picture in a lil bit, but is there anyone still around to give me a hand? I know I haven't posted in a while sorry!!
  8. M

    First time grower! Advice greatly appreciated - Germinating 9 seeds

    I know I don't post much but here's how the are looking so far I feel like they aren't as big as they should be and some look like they're dying /: pretty sure I'm doing something wrong but then again I've been slacking! Maybe growing marijuana isn't something for someone with no time lol
  9. M

    Ask Us Anything: Sharing Knowledge 420 Style

    I have a question forum where I do my grow, you mind looking it up and making a little basic supplies list for me? It would really help learning from somebody with more experience than myself. I'm just working with 4 100w cfls, a couple seeds and a dream lol..
  10. M

    Ask Us Anything: Sharing Knowledge 420 Style

    Anyone who's grows exclusively in soil wanna help me out? I wanted to make a list of supplies I definitely need for a successful grow. Don't care the price, I just need an idea of what I should get because so far I just been half-assing my grow and I don't feel to confident about my knowledge...
  11. M

    Redemption Journal - Two Buckets - Two Lights - One Cab

    Any advice on what soil I should use?
  12. M

    Ask Us Anything: Sharing Knowledge 420 Style

    Okay thanks for the advice Lilolme, appreciate it (:
  13. M

    Redemption Journal - Two Buckets - Two Lights - One Cab

    Will do bud! Some of the seedlings (I think that's what they're called) started to drop down the taller they get, but most are up straight. 4 Up straight: 3 dropping down: I thought it was because they needed more space to grow but then again that's just a guess..
  14. M

    Redemption Journal - Two Buckets - Two Lights - One Cab

    This is the setup guys! Hopefully I can get a led light and a tent soon, but budget is kinda tight due to the upcoming baby. So for now this is what I'm working with. Any advice grouchy or pennywise?
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