Recent content by Mercedes

  1. M

    Stripping Americans Of Their Citizenship – Lieberman Citizenship Bill

    Though Lieberman has not yet introduced legislation in congress, already raising tensions on both sides of the aisle. Some legal experts have called this bill's goals "draconian" while civil rights experts have raised numerous concerns. Small money loans are rarely required to be a part of the...
  2. M

    Stripping Americans Of Their Citizenship – Lieberman Citizenship Bill

    Stripping Americans Of Their Citizenship – Lieberman Citizenship Bill
  3. M

    Marijuana Bills Dead In Legislature

    There are 2 kinds of drug the ethical drugs and the recreational drugs. Ethical drugs are being prescribed by doctors wherein it helps to cure our disease or whenever we are sick. Recreational drugs are those drugs that are just created just for fun or it is the drugs that can gives a person a...
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