Recent content by mike6623

  1. M

    Can you dilute and keep needed levels to pass?

    I Read a lot of these but still am unsure. I am a heavy smoker. I may or may not be getting a new job that requires a drop. I have quickfix and powdered from testclear but wanted to know if it's possible to dilute but still have the necessary PH levels or whatever? I know if I drink gallons of...
  2. M

    What do the colors mean on the temp strip exactly?

    I know this is basic, but I am really just wanting to know. What is brown and blue? I always thought you wanted to see green?
  3. M

    What do the colors mean on the temp strip exactly?

    Been testing today with my real p. Having another person go for me later so temp is key. I have it with a pad tucked. After about 25 minutes 98 is brown and 96 green and 94 blue. What does that mean? So what is the temp>?
  4. M

    How long is human urine good for?

    Any help with my question friends?
  5. M

    Body heat without the bottle touching?

    Nervous as shit today. Got a buddy who will go for me 20 min prior. Should I simple rubber band a pad to the back (opposite of temp strip)? Last thing I want is it to be too hot. I also have a leg wrap that I could secure to my thigh as well. Would that be a better bet or would getting it fresh...
  6. M

    Body heat without the bottle touching?

    I go next week. I have done this before, successfully bue alwasy get anxiety prior, always worrying that they will monitor (never have before) and whatnot. The pee isn't the issue it is making sure it is at the correct temp.I just had a friend of a friend fail because it was too hot!
  7. M

    How long is human urine good for?

    What is the best plan? My issue is, I have a friend who will p for me 30 min before, and I have special undies that have a pocket, but it won't be touchng my skin, does that effect the heat issue or since it is tucked in a warner area, it will stay at temp?
  8. M

    Body heat without the bottle touching?

  9. M

    Body heat without the bottle touching?

    If you have someone who has is willing to pee for you and they do so say 15 minutes before the test, to keep it at temp would the bottle actually need to be touching your skin? I ask because I have a pair of underwear that are designed to carry things like this. There is a pocket in the front...
  10. M

    How long is human urine good for?

    thanks, how accurate are the test strips? Is there a way to be sure it isn't too low or too high? I realize they are color coded, but any good rules of thumb that will generally keep it to where it needs to be, temp wise? I have plenty of options. I have a friend (who can pee for me) quickfix...
  11. M

    Few different questions. Any help would be great!

    Thanks, I am a heavy smoker and it will be soon so stopping isn't really going to help. I actually have a friend that will give me his piss. I was actually thinking about seeing if he woudl just go for me, as we could pass as each other if he had my ID. Ever hear of anyone doing that?
  12. M

    How long is human urine good for?

    If I have a friend pee for me into a bottle or whatever, how long will that last? I do not really want to freeze it if I do not have to. also, has anyone had a physical for a pre-employment test? How does that work? If it isn't a state or government job, just an office job in a facility that...
  13. M

    Experience With Physicals?

    Dude, can you shut up? You are not contributing anything to this at all.
  14. M

    Experience With Physicals?

    So, since this isn't a government job, do you think they will make me disrobe?
  15. M

    Experience With Physicals?

    Hey, thanks! Was it just a normal job? Or was it a job that did gov contracts and whatnot?
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