Recent content by monarch9mm

  1. M

    Freenhouse or Indoor

    ok guys the thing is that where i live it is usually warm in winter, for example today it got up 85 degrees, i have some babies in pots about a week old. So should i grow them in a greenhouse or indoors with grow lamps.
  2. M

    Best way to keep seeds in good quality?

    i just received the seeds and they are still in the same package that they came in. ( in a little zip lock bag, the bag is in a small cylinder). I have the cylinder in a cabinet. Just want to make sure they stay good.
  3. M

    Best way to keep seeds in good quality?

    Hey guys and girls, i would like some advice on how to keep my seeds in good quality, since i am not going to plant them for a while. Thanks.
  4. M

    Jammin Jennie is in the House

    Welcome !!
  5. M

    any advice

    FOX, what do you have in mind?
  6. M

    any advice

    Tweedgirl, wouldnt you love that ;)
  7. M

    any advice

    DaMagoMan, thanks
  8. M

    any advice

    Will vacuum seal cannisters work, then it in the freezer, so whenever i need to make some money i just pull out what i need then put the rest in the freezer?
  9. M

    any advice

    ok guys i would like any advice on how to keep 2 pounds fresh. Right now i have it in the bag that it came, the bag is in a black plastic jar and the jar is inside a cabinet. I have read that many of you use the freezer.
  10. M

    hey there, everyone

    Hello guys and ladies, i am new to this site, with the prices now a days, i finally decided to do my own growing, I have been looking around for some ideas. Hydro and outdoor methods and also where to get some good quality seeds. The thing is that there are so many out there. So anyone with any...
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