Recent content by MrBigNose

  1. M

    Interesting thoughts you've had while stoned?

    I just like to think how we aren't the only intelligent life forms in the universe. I'm not talking about aliens or anything. I'm just saying that there are millions of planets out there that we will probably never be able to explore. These things are trillions of miles away in completely other...
  2. M

    What Are You Smoking These Days?

    I'm hitting Headband as of late. Muy Bien
  3. M

    What's the dankest herb you've ever smoked?

    I just had some Himalayan Gold crossed with Afghan Kush not to long ago. That was dankity dank.
  4. M

    Whats Your Favorite Munchies food?

    Charlie eggs are good, jolly ranchers, popcorn, pizza, basically all food really
  5. M

    Where do you toke?

    Buddies houses are always chill. Outdoors is where it's at though. There's a park we go to sometimes where we have to walk down this little road to make it the park that opens up into a giant circle with trees and benches everywhere. Nobody really goes there at night so it's safe for the most part.
  6. M

    Marijuana Decriminalization Poll on CNBC.COM - VOTE

    It could be rigged but whats the harm in continuing to vote? Nothing, so I say just keep doing it. It can't hurt really
  7. M

    favorite smoking song to listen to?

    Bowl for Two - The Expendables I have listened to this song so many freakin times while I was smoking
  8. M

    blunts, bowls, bongs, or joints?

    Joints are all right. Blunts can get a little harsh at the end. I have a little piece just in case in don't have my bong or a swish. But my bong is the thing that gets me the highest and get me high the fastest.
  9. M

    Last place you look

    I have been doing this a lot lately, Not just with my bud but with everything. I have locked my keys in my car 4 times in the past 2 months. I have never done that for the two years i have been driving. I lose my cell phone even though it's sitting in the open. The best thing is just to retrace...
  10. M

    Marijuana and Working out?

    90% of the time I smoke before I go to the gym. For me I work out a lot better for some reason. I don't feel my muscles burning as much so I workout much longer. But it's not for everyone, my buddy has tried it few times, he kinda just sits there staring into space and wastes time.
  11. M

    Pipe & Bong Names

    I just bought my first bong two weeks ago, named it blue steel. Well, its blue and the steel part came from me dropping once already :/ but it didn't break. Thus, hard as metal. Blue Steel ;)
  12. M

    lighting a bowl

    I have hit a few different vapes. I think they kind of conserve your weed because it just heats the weed up. It's good because I think you don't get all the smoke and butane as you would if you just lit it. But I'm no weed genius so I could be wrong. The high is very very nice as well. My buddy...
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