Recent content by mstead420

  1. M

    Odd issue I've never experienced before

    It could be burnt where I mist to water the lady bugs.. It could be a lot of things.. I just have never seen it and I'm still learning.
  2. M

    Odd issue I've never experienced before

    Yeah I'm not worried about location.. I'm worried that the plant may be sick and it spread. But I'm just going to water with plain water for a while and see if she changes on the upper leaves or not. It could be the worm tea.
  3. M

    Odd issue I've never experienced before

    I'm not too worried about it since it is on the bottom leaves and eventually they will get pulled off but if this is a problem that is going to spread then I would like to get ahead of it. I've just never seen it before.
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  5. M

    Cannabis The Aphrodisiac

    I completely disagree with you on this one. It may make me feel tired and sluggish and like I'm stuck but at the same time it makes me extremely extremely horny. It also makes me more sensitive so sex is amazing, well more amazing. I can go for hours and hours while high... And I am less likely...
  6. M

    Odd issue I've never experienced before

    Hello, I planted some seedlings and I watered them with water at first, then started giving them worm tea every other feeding or so.. This is the first time I've done this with babies but I went to check on them this evening and noticed that the bottom set of leaves were shriveled up and...
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