Recent content by nexmellowday

  1. N

    I need some spiritual guidance

    DAM! 6-7 years. your good. hehe. im beyond hiding it, being 23 and all but i do avoid any detections of it, but i mean, if im caught im not gonna get a spankin or anything hehe. I dont, good job on hiding it for that long though.
  2. N

    I need some spiritual guidance

    "can precipitate or exacerbate latent or existing mental disorders". thats from this website i know. whether it sped up my illness or not, i already have it and as for the intensifying, well, i try to have the least bit of outside stimulation, just me a joint and my ipod; as to not irritate...
  3. N

    I need some spiritual guidance

    hehe. do you know if mental disorders count? and if so, i wonder if mine does. i have something called 'schizoaffective disorder'. i recieve SSI for it.
  4. N

    I need some spiritual guidance

    I'm not sure if they offer MMJ, in new york, which is where im from, but dont you need a condition to be considered for it?
  5. N

    Hello from New York

    :thanks: ill be sure to check out the mmj gardens you guys have here. ive been clicking away at the random gallery that pops up on the page, only forgot when but its always at the top. anyway, that trip sounds like a experience. good day man.
  6. N

    I need some spiritual guidance

    i don't know what's different in me that makes my sensitivity to people's opinion so acute and considering that i conjure up so much shit, imagine dealing with that each day. I'm noticing these things now though so I'm speaking to you in a relative way, if you think about it. I get what your...
  7. N

    I need some spiritual guidance

    im guessing you meant it the other way around considering the text. See, my problem is that i thought myself how to criticize myself from others eyes, and it seems like everything i come up with is pretty negative and sometimes harsh. i gotta reteach myself how to get rid of that habit, and im...
  8. N

    I need some spiritual guidance

    can someone help me out? i wanna know when is it right and when is it wrong to look down upon a fellow stoner? and IS there a time to do this?
  9. N

    Hello from New York I think your trying to get me to grow. even if i had the right place and the right season and all, i dont gotta be smart and read lots of stuff, i dabble in both but im just a high school drop out with a few dreams. I dream of going to Amsterdam, air fare is...
  10. N

    Hello from New York

    Hey there everyone! Thought I'd introduce myself properly. Um, I'm 23 years old. Used to be a heavy smoker when i was first introduced to weed. I'm a skateboarder. I'm really into listening to music. My favorite part about being high is listening to some stress-free music, especially...
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