Recent content by nightsun

  1. nightsun

    Does Obama's Pick Signal 'Change' At The Drug Czar's Office?

    But until that day arrives, perhaps the best we reformers can hope for is a cop who appreciates that pot poses less of a danger to the public than alcohol, and who recognizes that from a practical and fiscal standpoint, targeting and arresting adults who engage in the responsible use of cannabis...
  2. nightsun

    Marijuana and Nutrition; Does it Really Help?

    Thank you "USER", I got this: You can review the Marijuana laws for the state of MA here: Massachusetts Marijuana Laws I will let you know though that Barney Frank has collaborated with a few other congressmen to create a medical marijuana bill to introduce to the house. Unfortunately...
  3. nightsun

    Marijuana and Nutrition; Does it Really Help?

    There was nothing I saw that mentioned medical marijuana. So what you're telling me is that in addition to having to pay for the it, I may have to pay a $100 fine and lose any money that was invested. Not quite the answer I was looking for and with no proof of such info, how does one...
  4. nightsun

    Marijuana and Nutrition; Does it Really Help?

    I live in the great state of Massachusetts and have been waiting for medical marijuana to be legalized. What are the laws pertaining to to use of growth of and smoking of medical marijuana in Massachusetts? Do tell...:smokin:
  5. nightsun

    Clarification Demanded on Where Medicinal Marijuana Smokers Can Light Up

    In light of the fact that for people without permission to smoke medical marijuana it is still illegal, I'm sure the guy wasn't wearing a sign that said he has permission to use the smoke. Maybe a little better planning could have been used by the smoker, like smoking before going to the place...
  6. nightsun

    Marijuana Leveque: 2008

    There is money to be made in re-legalizing hemp, not the smokable kind and I'm sure there would be money to be made with cultivation of good smoke too. Think about the outdoors and how many people it takes to care for a large crop that could be sold at the market (if you wanted it to be good and...
  7. nightsun

    Marijuana Leveque: 2008

    "Why isn’t it just legalized so we can stop making millionaires out of illegal marijuana dealers?" Until it becomes a national ballot question, and even then there will be resistance, there are a few reasons why it won't be legalized. (not in any particular order) The government wouldn't be...
  8. nightsun

    John McCain And Medical Marijuana

    :grinjoint: So, it comes down to a choice - do we want the country back in order and possibly have a pres that doesn't agree to supporting medical marijuana, or do we let the country go to hell with a pres that has agreed with (and, agreed to, lied about, and falsified a lot of other issues)...
  9. nightsun

    Government Should Look Toward Hemp As A Viable Alternative Fuel

    This should be better publicized around the US and around the world.
  10. nightsun


    Quote "There are basically two kinds of people who support the so-called war on drugs: Those who make their livelihood from it. This includes politicians and bureaucrats who are probably on the payroll of the drug cartels." What is the other kind?
  11. nightsun

    Dutch Municipalities Plan New Campaign Against Drug Tourists

    Its a shame that the few that cause these problems are ruining the chance for the rest of the world to see and enjoy something that should be done worldwide.
  12. nightsun

    Is Marijuana Good Medicine?

    If you really want to explore things, think about this: Most addicts (the ones that they probably consider when they categorize "gateway drugs") of any kind have physiological or psychological disorders of some kind.
  13. nightsun

    Is Marijuana Good Medicine?

    I will be brave enough to say it: "the two most dangerous gateway drugs are alcohol and nicotine" in that order.
  14. nightsun

    Comment by 'nightsun' in media 'DSC_0423sm'

    From 14th Annual Harvest Festival and Freedom Fair.
  15. DSC_0423sm


    From judging of the cup.
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