Recent content by Noobynoobz

  1. Noobynoobz

    Identifying deficiencies in early growth: need help

    Hi, Nitrogen deficiency? Lower leaves are yellowing and looking like they're falling off. Im just a noobz, well thats my name :laugh: but could others like you say, phos or overwatering, hot soil. Did you mix your own soil?
  2. Noobynoobz

    These are my NL Autos from RQS, they are on day 58 and I'm going to feed for 2 more weeks and...

    These are my NL Autos from RQS, they are on day 58 and I'm going to feed for 2 more weeks and harvest in 3. For this experiment of my own I have snipped every single cola on these plants and I have tagged and outlined the bud for a general visual guide although the outline is pretty generous as...
  3. Noobynoobz

    Hello 420 community. I have just finished extensively reading a thread which was started in...

    Hello 420 community. I have just finished extensively reading a thread which was started in 2014. It's all about a technique called "Back Building" The thread has only just recently finished in April of this year after being active for 6 years with consistently amazing results. I read the whole...
  4. Noobynoobz

    I'm so done, help me, nothing grows

    Ive dealt with an early Nitrogen deficiency in one plant and a Toxicity with another a few weeks ago during veg. One light vibrant green which was early stage def, and one with claws and dark shiny upper leaves. Think its a mobile nutrient so unless you can stop it, it will just progress to any...
  5. Noobynoobz

    I'm so done, help me, nothing grows

    Hi I think you may have a nitrogen deficiency. That could explain the stunted growth and bright green leaves.
  6. Noobynoobz


    Evening all, I am still relatively new to growing although I did successfully complete a 12 plant indoor purple haze crop around 3 years ago. This time I am giving 1 RQS critical auto a go just to pass a bit of corona lockdown time :laugh:. It will be a mobile grow which will spend the days...
  7. Noobynoobz

    Super Lemon Haze - Autoflower 38 days old

    Another thing to add mate. When using tap water leave it out for 24 hours to let the chlorine evaporate. Noobz
  8. Noobynoobz

    Super Lemon Haze - Autoflower 38 days old

    To be honest mate I've never tested the ph of my coco, but if you have got a ph pen have you got PH UP/PH DOWN formula? if not mate you need it, it's crucial. My tap water is PH 7 then when I add all my nutrients it goes to around 4-5 then I can adjust with up or down. The range I look for with...
  9. Noobynoobz

    Super Lemon Haze - Autoflower 38 days old

    Nitrogen deficiency affects the lower/older growth first thats why your describing the top of the plant to be in better condition than the rest of the plant. Noobz
  10. Noobynoobz

    Super Lemon Haze - Autoflower 38 days old

    Thats nitrogen deficiency mate. Noobz
  11. Noobynoobz

    Help with autoflower

    I run a canna coco perlite mix. I aim for 6 to 6.5. Certain nutrients can be locked out either side of this range and lead to a slower growth, reduced nutrient uptake and lead to deficiencies. A seedling like that could find it hard to develop if your ph is not on the ball. Also coco is...
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