Recent content by ORYGUNGROWN

  1. O

    Northern Berry - SOG - 4x4 Tent - 700W LED

    1 tbsp bat guano at 9-3-1 2 tsp fish bone meal at 3-16-0 1 tbsp kelp meal at 1-0.1-2 1 tbsp fish meal at 8-6-0 2 tsp Down to Earth Soluble Root Growth enhancer In 2 gallons of water this is what I mean by "cut in half"
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    Northern Berry - SOG - 4x4 Tent - 700W LED

    I use Down to Earths Pro-Organic Mix and I mix in extra granular mycorrhiza before planting.
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    Northern Berry - SOG - 4x4 Tent - 700W LED

    I am replacing two of the smallest girls tho, I grabbed some northern lights #5 cuts from my work last night that are just suburb.
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    Northern Berry - SOG - 4x4 Tent - 700W LED

    Yes, they're clear, they're double big gulps. Not sure what the ppm was but the ph was 6.2. Fed them a lot because I was told they can handle it. Do you guys think I should make a weaker batch?
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    Northern Berry - SOG - 4x4 Tent - 700W LED

    The little ones are about a week old, grumpy gardens told me this strain likes a lot of food. It seems like the girls love it, seeing thew growth this morning. I did burn two of the smallest girls(ones about 3 inches tall) but all others at 5-10 inches seem to be loving life.
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    Northern Berry - SOG - 4x4 Tent - 700W LED

    So I fed them Saturday with a tea I made using all Down To Earth products. 2 tbsp bat guano at 9-3-1 1 tbsp fish bone meal at 3-16-0 2 tbsp kelp meal at 1-0.1-2 2 tbs fish meal at 8-6-0 2 tsp Down to Earth Soluble Root Growth enhancer In 2 gallons of water Fed each plant evenly by eye.. so not...
  7. first feed

    first feed

  8. right after transplant

    right after transplant

  9. right after transplant

    right after transplant

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    Northern Berry - SOG - 4x4 Tent - 700W LED

    How do I post pics?
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    Northern Berry - SOG - 4x4 Tent - 700W LED

    No I hadn't thought of it, I may hit it with a razor here. Thanks for the idea man
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    Northern Berry - SOG - 4x4 Tent - 700W LED

    :welcome: So, I'm experimenting with Sea of Green (SOG) in a 4x4 tent using double big gulps (DBG) as pots under 700w of LED. Usually I'm a SCROG and HPS kinda guy but it's time to experiment :thumb: To start, DBGs can hold 1.89 litres of soil/medium, damn close to a #3 pot. My thought...
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