Recent content by PaulRevere

  1. P

    Morroccan hash in italy

    wow dude that looks awesome. i read a article like 4 months ago in cannabis culture that was about morroccan ganj fields, they had some nice lookin plants. that looks amazing tho. i wish i lived in italy.
  2. P

    Purple Kush Pictures

    i got sum master kush it was 375 for a zip. i wish it was worth 80 an 8th, folks would laugh if someone tried to charge 80 an 8th around here.
  3. P

    Results After 96 Days

    yeah the first ones a hermaphrodite, the next few are males and the last ones probly a female. you CAN fix a hermie, you just gota spend money unfortunately. and its not usually worth it unless your entire crop hermied and you were plannin on sellin it to pay your rent or grandmothers medical...
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