Recent content by PerfectPipe

  1. PerfectPipe

    Should 420 Magazine Offer A General Amnesty To Suspended Accounts?

    Elon did not allow people back on to give them a second chance to follow the rules! Elon allowed them back on because they were censored! Censorship is bad and only allows users to see what the controller or Govt wants them to see. Anyone who threatens harm or similar should be expected to be...
  2. PerfectPipe

    The PerfectPipe: 420 Magazine Review By Mr. Krip

    Sorry, bungee caps are separate. Oil Vaporizers are very convenient and don't smell like smoking for sure. When I was travelling with a cannabis fair it came to my attention that most oil vaporizers use just THC and not the full spectrum. I was helpful in getting more companies to use full...
  3. PerfectPipe

    The PerfectPipe: 420 Magazine Review By Mr. Krip

    Interesting that you ask that. You will find that the herb goes out pretty quickly and does not burn up, requiring you to use the lighter just a bit to relight it. This saves on herb waste. I recommend that you gently repack the partially burned herb with the blunt end of the PerfectPipe Tool...
  4. PerfectPipe

    The PerfectPipe: 420 Magazine Review By Mr. Krip

    We do still have a $5 Discount even though our costs are going way up every day. Pray for us when we have to raise our pricing. Use discount code FirstPurchase for your $5 off. Get that flame off, draw easy and use a new filter with each bowl of use to get High THC and No Sparks every time...
  5. PerfectPipe

    420 Magazine's Official Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow By BakedARea

    Thank you BakedARea ! Changing the filter with each bowl will keep your THC high and your throat and lungs will thank you. Glad you like it! Even though I am partial, the PerfectPipe is the only thing I will smoke from. I hate burning my throat! Good health to you, Randal
  6. PerfectPipe

    The PerfectPipe: 420 Magazine Review By Mr. Krip

    We do ship to Europe. Shipping to Europe is high. You must contact Cindy directly at She will help you get the most product for the shipping cost.
  7. PerfectPipe

    The PerfectPipe: 420 Magazine Review By Mr. Krip

    Hello curls2cute, I totally understand about the sore throat from smoking. Yes, the PerfectPipe will stop that! Be sure to remove the flame after you get it lit a little and draw easy as suggested by bluenoserjoe above. You will not get any sparks in your throat at all. Drawing too hard will...
  8. PerfectPipe

    The PerfectPipe: 420 Magazine Review By Mr. Krip

    Yes, shipping to Canada is high. Work with Cindy She will help you maximize a package that will give you the most product for the shipping cost. If you go over a specific weight, the price goes up lots. We do have a few Canada customers and they are very happy. The...
  9. PerfectPipe

    The PerfectPipe: 420 Magazine Review By Mr. Krip

    Good observations here. No we are not a razor & blade model. Our commitment to providing replacement filters & screens at a low cost, will not change. We are about helping people and changing the filter with each bowl of use is absolutely necessary to protect you. At this time we cannot get...
  10. PerfectPipe

    The PerfectPipe: 420 Magazine Review By Mr. Krip

    Hi HashGirl, Good question. The filter is not special. It is very high quality from Italy. The answer is PerfectPipe Temperature Control. A joint cools the cannabinoids as they pass through the joint causing them to condense onto the herb and paper. That is why it gets oily, that is...
  11. PerfectPipe

    The PerfectPipe: 420 Magazine Review By Mr. Krip

    Hello TorturedSoul, Hope your having a great weekend! Some agree with you about the flame not being bad if you let it burn correctly and others feel that you are still inhaling some harmful chemicals. Actually this is not the reason for not holding the fire on when inhaling. Fire kills THC...
  12. PerfectPipe

    The PerfectPipe: 420 Magazine Review By Mr. Krip

    PerfectPipe Knocks Out Another Bong! Now That's What I'm Talking About! Smart People Getting It! Thanks Mr. Krip; I am honored. Randal
  13. PerfectPipe

    The PerfectPipe: 420 Magazine Review By Mr. Krip

    Hi Emilya, Thanks for the great comment! I seems that you may have started slowing down your draw as you got the hang of it? When you get that perfect controlled draw speed that burns the herb at a low red temp, the THC goes through the roof. I can't believe you can smoke that many bowls...
  14. PerfectPipe

    The PerfectPipe: 420 Magazine Review By Mr. Krip

    Hi oopssteptinit, Interesting. You have touched on something that many have not realized. You are correct that using hot water in a bong will reduce the THC Loss. But, THC condenses from vapor to liquid at 315F. Hot water may be just under 200F? or cooler. You will still loose lots of THC...
  15. PerfectPipe

    The PerfectPipe: 420 Magazine Review By Mr. Krip

    Hi Virgin ground, I appreciated your comments. You did mention that you were able to take bigger hits. Just be careful to not draw hard. The slow controlled draw is how we get the THC, CBD, CBN etc. through the filter and get a cool hit. Drawing hard actually kills THC from the increased...
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