Recent content by pfizer

  1. P

    All Organic High Brix

    Depending on how much Caco3 you need, could one just add egg shells that have been dried and ground up in a coffee grinder? Also wanted to add if people are having a hard time finding soft rock phosphate or azomite I found them very affordable from ebay. I know azomite is made here in Utah...
  2. P

    Lets say I have a successful grow? How can I sell my extra buds to recover expenses?

    Re: Lets say I have a successful grow? How can I sell my extra buds to recover expens I could not have said it better myself as putting thoughts to words has always been a struggle of mine. I have two questions Are you female and when can we meet.
  3. P

    Obama Administration Threatens To Prosecute Media For Cannabis Ads

    Hmm... Sounds like the drug companies I see on T.V. every 10-15 min advertising their drugs with 20+ side effects. One has to wonder what kind of message we're sending to our children. Better yet lets educate the people of this wonderful country about chemicals and their effects on the body and...
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