Recent content by Picklesinpain

  1. Picklesinpain

    Turning kief into cannabis infused THC vape juice oil?

    *****UPDATE***** So I’ve learned a few things since last posting. First, many juicers would explain to you that the juice is like a fine wine, it needs to be aged. This is done two ways, before or after the filter. Think about that a second. Before the particulate is filtered out. Most juicers...
  2. Picklesinpain

    Turning kief into cannabis infused THC vape juice oil?

    Why preferably? I don’t understand why I would turn my Kief into hash and then into ejuice. I’m trying to utilize an excessive amount of Kief by turning it into ejuice. Distillate is great, but it is far to expensive a cost to turn into ejuice, when a dab’ll do ya. Don’t want to be a downer...
  3. Picklesinpain

    Turning kief into cannabis infused THC vape juice oil?

    We now have a concentrate how concentrated is anyone's guess. I am saving several of these to combine them and create eJuice with it. I have been trying different carts at different points in the process and the biggest issue that i have faced is particulate. So filter filter filter!
  4. Picklesinpain

    Turning kief into cannabis infused THC vape juice oil?

    When i began all of this i had no idea what vaping was or even what an ecig was lol but we learn as we go. Here's my set up in a nutshell, I'll go into more detail and specifics later. I use a Vtower vape by Arizer, its great. its utilizes a whip system and glass parts. For nostalgia i...
  5. Picklesinpain

    Not sure where to start

    Unfortunately edibles just don’t do it for me, can’t explain it. It’s entirely neve pain. I’m going to complete my profile and intro to day. But in a nutshell, I have had a very bad migraine since the end of July. Nonstop all the time 24/7. I get into more detail later. Just a quick message.
  6. Picklesinpain

    Turning kief into cannabis infused THC vape juice oil?

    I have a great deal of interest in this, unfortunately i was doing my own experiments this weekend. My goal is to consume everything this glorious plant has to offer me. Creating a THC rich vape juice is a component of my end process. would be kind of backwards, but i can post what i have...
  7. Picklesinpain

    Super-Cooled QWET Wash For Cannabis Extraction Using Dry Ice

    Have you tried this with AV flowers? I use the source as well, but use it to fill carts so I don’t vac purge.
  8. Picklesinpain

    Not sure where to start

    I really appreciate your help the other day, it was precisely what I needed to refocus. Thank you very much. Now I must point somthing out to you, I hope you have a sense of humour. I came to this place because it has become a place of learning and is an established 420 community. I joined so...
  9. Picklesinpain

    Not sure where to start

    Thanks so much. I’m Canadian I can’t get anything else as far as I know, ISO was the best I could find.
  10. Picklesinpain

    Not sure where to start

    Thanks for the fast reply wow, you have answered my questions kind of, if I may be so bold as to ask another. Now I’ll provide a little more or a reference point. Rec user when I was younger, now a medical user dealing with chronic nerve pain. I understand the extraction process and have chosen...
  11. Picklesinpain

    How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

    If i may ask a question, can you achieve a pre decarb, and/or an after decarb using an instant pot? could it not be used in the degassing or solvent purging processes as well?
  12. Picklesinpain

    How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

    same here i would have been lost without this place. im curious about how things went with the digital nuwave? i want to use my instantpot but am worried about it.
  13. Picklesinpain

    Not sure where to start

    I'm going to cut through the pleasantries and get to the point. I'm using the ISO extraction method utilizing the source by extract-craft. Now i started with some iso i used to clean my glass with, it was a dark golden colour. I'll be sure to take pictures next time. Question is, do i need to...
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