Recent content by PiztilsPlease

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  4. P

    Leaf discoloration?

    Overwatered/underwatered wait till the first two inches are bone dry before water and put lots of drainage holes in the bottom
  5. P

    C-99 twins - Who's seen this?

    Re: C-99 Twins. Who's seen this? I planted 1 lemon seed in January and I got 4 lemon seedlings from one seed. It might be a mutation or something. If I was you I would try to pull out the weakest one and plant it in another little pot. Do this carefully
  6. P

    Help - Is my light suitable for starting seedlings for the first 2 weeks?

    I would like to use this light to prevent my seedlings from stretching. I previously had them on a south facing windowsill but they got about 3.5 inches tall so I buried them up to the cotydylons. I then put my desk lamp over them and a white tube of paper around the cup to keep in light. The...
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