Recent content by Plantenthusia

  1. P

    Jagged undeveloped new growth

    I'm growing bag seeds in Miracle Gro under an LED light, I have it under a 16/8 light cycle and only give it rain water. Within the past week and a half it has stretched and the new growth looks undeveloped and jagged. Any diagnosis would be greatly appreciated :high-five:
  2. New Growth

    New Growth

  3. P

    New Grower, black spots and dry leaves

    Splash? The bottom most leaf is dry and crinkly. Those dark spots you see in the second picture appeared on the bottom leaf a couple days ago. I'm wondering if it'll spread to the other leaves eventually?
  4. P

    New Grower, black spots and dry leaves

    I am a new grower and just trying to keep two plants alive. They are bag seeds, I use a 12W LED grow light and a 5500K 60W CFL. I supplement that light during the day with sunlight from the window. I used seed sprouting Miracle Gro, which I found out later is not the best. I also use rainwater...
  5. 20170130_102351


    Black spots
  6. 20170130_102335


    Sick plant
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