Recent content by Pokalolo agogo

  1. CC8849EA-4055-4DBD-B365-F06956854CC5.jpeg


    First grow, no idea of the strains but loving watching them do there thing. Anything you notice that may help me would be appreciated
  2. P

    Help me I’m new

    Thanks for the response I have already put the germinated seeds into little starter pot so transplant at this point is inevitable but for future reference I will be aware of this. It’s my first time and the rabbit hole is deep and daunting and I’m sure my first endeavour will be full of oops...
  3. P

    Help me I’m new

    So nothing but ph’d water till the forth node, then just follow my nutrient regime as per specs? As for environment. I currently have my germinated seeds in a small humidity box waiting to break the surface, when can I transplant into bigger pots and put into the tent? Tent is 3’x3’ x 80” and...
  4. P

    Help me I’m new

    I’m am curious if I need to make any amendments to pro mix hp? I am using auto flower candy cane and will be adding green planet liquid nutrients as per schedule provided any thing else I need to do?
  5. P


    I’m new to the world of growing, but incredibly excited for the experience. May I experience “growth” in all aspects of my life with a little help from my new cyber friends
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