Recent content by Prudence

  1. P

    Smoking Preference

    My favorite smoking method is definitely bong hits and joints no doubt. I never stay on anything for too long though. I like to switch it up after I've been smoking from the same pipe for awhile. I swear switching to a new piece gives me a different high. Variety is the spice of life friends. haha
  2. P

    Random theory, i thought of today

    I want birthday balloons like that for my next birthday. lol. this thread is so random. i love it.
  3. P

    Why do Americans roll without a filter?

    I'm from America (Midwest) and my first dealer who taught me everything I need to know about green taught me how to make and use a filter in my joints. It was one of the first things he ever taught me. I've never rolled a joint without a filter because of it. I was surprised when I'd spark up at...
  4. P

    Bong name suggestions?

    Well damn, you already got a Bob Marley. I don't know what to tell ya now. haha. Gotta love naming your pieces. Makes em' that much more endearing n shit. I guess I never really noticed it but I have named every piece I've ever owned. Piggens- small pipe with a pig face on the front Juice Box...
  5. P

    Bong name suggestions?

    That bong is dope. Pun intended. I am a nerd. lol Anyway, I was gonna ask. What are the names of some of your other pieces? Everybody has their own styles/reasons for giving names so I was just wondering. Its rasta colored so you could call it Marley. Not entirely original but it works. I have...
  6. P

    Dumped because you smoke weed?

    I got one of my first boyfriends ever my freshman year of high school. I wasn't exactly head over heals for him but when he asked me out I figured I should get to know him better and give him a chance. We didn't date very long until I came to the conclusion that it was a mistake and so I dumped...
  7. P

    Poor Man's CFL Closet Grow - First Plant

    Thanks for posting this! I've been researching into how to grow for myself. Some of the information I've found elsewhere has been a little intimidating for me since I am a novice and so a lot of the lingo and discussion can come over my head at times. I am also on a budget and trying find ways...
  8. P

    Prudence Lavay says hello from the bread basket of America!

    High everybody!:rasta: I'm Prudence and I just found this forum today and decided to join after finding so much useful information on the site. I started my love affair with green trees about 2 and a half years ago. My very chill hippy/frat boy friend hooked me up and my life was pretty...
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