Recent content by Puff420

  1. P

    Fert advice please

    So should I just not use the 30-10-10 at all? I was just thinking all the good stuff all the nutes in the fox farm has probley been used by the plant and that it could use a dose of (N) but then again I'm looking for advice so what do i know? Lol
  2. P

    Fert advice please

    So my plants have been vegging since nov 21 when I started the grow I know a long ass time I've kinda been ignoring them slightyly. But anyways they are pretty big and I've tied them down and am now ready to flower I started off using fox farm soil and was looking for fox farm fertz but no luck...
  3. P

    Topping question/advice

    Hey thanks again for the advice. I topped the plant last night I cut about 2 nodes off and looks like now it will fit I might have to slightly tie it down but it looks good. My other plant was also I little taller then I thought so I lst it and that worked great so all three of my plants should...
  4. P

    Topping question/advice

    I think topping will work for me then if I can top like 4 inches it should be small enough for me to hide this is all because of a stupid home inspection can't have anyone finding the ladies. I hate to do it cutting I mean but it seems like my only option I can't give them to anyone because no...
  5. P

    Topping question/advice

    Also what would be the best way to cut it on a angle? Thanks
  6. P

    Topping question/advice

    Great thanks. But I will be cutting off more then just the top if I take off inches. This means that some branches will be coming off with it does that make a difference I don't want to mutilate my plant
  7. P

    Topping question/advice

    So one of my plants is getting big 12+ in and I need to hide my 3 plants for a little bit. They have been vegging since end of nov. I am thinking I am going to store them in rubber made totes for a day or two. The one plant is too big the other I should be able to hide no problem. So I either...
  8. P

    Question about air and ventilation

    Hey guys quick update I went home yesterday raised the lights a few inches added a fan and watered all three jiffy pots I then proceeded to leave the door open a few inches and the plant in the jiffy pot I was concerned about purked right up it looks way better the other 2 jiffy pot plants are...
  9. P

    Question about air and ventilation

    Could I save the jiffy pot plants the leafed are dead probley because of the lack of oxygen but would the root system be able to recover? The stem is still above soil?
  10. P

    Question about air and ventilation

    I will have to check the jiffy pots as I'm it sure but I think they are. The jiffy pots I have found have been troublesome. They dry out vey quickly. I guess for now I'll just leave the closet open when I'm home and I'll add a fan see if it improves. I guess the jiffy pot plants are a lost cause...
  11. P

    Question about air and ventilation

    Sh@t that's what I thought at least you confirmed my suspition. So I guess I should move them when I get home today or would u suggest I just add a fan? How is this for temporary solution. I have a rubber maid tote I could move the plants too place the lights above and put it somewhere discreat...
  12. P

    Question about air and ventilation

    Well the wills not a problem I'll try anything lol I'm just worried that my plants will all die before I find a way cuz it would really be a kick in the pants to start over again not to mention getting low on quality seeds
  13. P

    Question about air and ventilation

    So I'm on my second grow attempt two weeks in. I have 5 plants in a roughly 2*2*6 room I have 5 cfl lights 3 40 watt and 2 25 watt. In fox farm soil. 2 plants in 6" pots and 3 plants in jiffy pots. My plants all were growing great they each had a set of true leaves some had two. Now 2 of the...
  14. P

    Light question!

    I highly doubt it. Sounds like a simple enough request but if they were to get any light it would probley be speratic. Which is okay it's a small price to know my plants are in trusted hands and won't get jacked or something
  15. P

    Light question!

    Hey Dro to awnser your question I guess my original post wasn't to clear my 5 babies are only a week old right now they all have their first set of leaves and looking sexy. I started the grow thinking that no one ever has inspected my place lol and now I can enjoy the irony lol just my luck but...
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