Recent content by Puff420Dragon

  1. P

    B & B: Where patients find compassion

    yes they are still around. give them a call if you need to make an appointment or have any questions about pricing. i'm not sure how often they are able to check this forum.
  2. P

    CO Patients Considering Moving to RI, Need Info Please!

    It seems that the best way to stay under the radar is to not do anything that would bring attention to your household (I can't tell you how many times I've been walking through the neighborhood and can identify the apartments that would arouse suspicion, so if you're cautious enough and don't...
  3. P

    CO Patients Considering Moving to RI, Need Info Please!

    I am a patient & caregiver in RI, so I will try and answer your question as best as I can. However, please be advised that I am NOT a lawyer NOR law enforcement officer, so do not take the info provided below as what will hold up in a court of law.... 1) No -- the recommendation that you have...
  4. P

    Please help to put the Ohio Rights Amendment on the ballot in 2014!

    I am still waiting to hear a count as well. A mass call for completed petitions was done before Dec 31st. More counties should have hit their 5% goal by now.
  5. P

    Please help to put the Ohio Rights Amendment on the ballot in 2014!

    Forgot to mention that this is not an online petition and can only be signed by Ohio registered voters. If you live in Ohio, please check out the Ohio Rights Group page on Facebook. There is a map broken down by county which can connect you to locations to sign the petition in person. C'mon...
  6. P

    How to get approval for and get involved in a non friendly MMJ state?

    OP, is there any legislation that is pending? You can check Vote Hemp: Information: Political: Legislation If there isn't anything already, maybe see if there is a NORML chapter in your state, and find out if there is anything in the works. I now live in a state that is working on a petition...
  7. P

    What to do with the extra?

    Ouch @ destroying it. I need to clarify. Legally, you cannot "sell" it, but you are allowed to receive a "donation" from another caregiver or patient ( just make sure that you physically see his/her card before handing over the medicine). If you take a peek at the listings on craigslist...
  8. P

    B & B: Where patients find compassion

    :thumb: I highly recommend them!
  9. P

    Getting MMJ in RI : Help! Need advice/information - Thanks!

    What exactly is your question? Are you comfortable asking your PCP to sign the MMJ application, or do you want to be examined by a doctor who will review your medical records and sign the papers if you qualify? There are resources available if your doctor will not sign the application...
  10. P

    What to do with the extra?

    Some caregivers are selling it to other patients or caregivers who possess a legitimate medical card via craigslist. The postings are listed under the health section (careful discretion is advised). Also, patients in Massachusetts may be looking to buy medicine since there are no dispensaries...
  11. P

    "Jenny Kush", Medical Marijuana Activist, Killed In Tragic DUI In Colorado

    Prayers go out to her family and friends! May she rest in peace....
  12. P

    D.C. Seeks To Require Medical-Marijuana Discounts

    $380 to 440 an ounce? :confused: Good grief!
  13. P

    14 Non-Profits Seek Medical Marijuana License For Worcester County

    This would be rather unfortunate if many legislators are thinking along the lines that she is. The voters have already spoken, so it's time to stop delaying the process. I'm sure they could look at other medical states and see how they have handled zoning issues, and do something similar.
  14. P

    Please help to put the Ohio Rights Amendment on the ballot in 2014!

    If enough signatures are gathered, this item would appear on the ballot for 2014. It would bypass the legislature and get voted on by the people! 386,000 signatures are needed in order to put this on the ballot. This amendment covers hemp for industrial purposes, medical marijuana, as well as...
  15. P

    Need Dr to help in Rhode Island. Anyone?

    Okay that's great. I didn't realize that 11th State was reopened (they were shut down by the state last year). I truly hope that everything works out for you.
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