Recent content by PureSinMI

  1. P

    It's Kushmas At The Vault

    count me in george. Seedsman is my breeder. All Year.
  2. P

    Green Friday At The Vault: Insane Offers

    Good luck everyone. Gotta win once sometime. Enter me in for some Autos George And good luck everyone.
  3. P

    Positronic Seeds Promo At The Vault

    Dont really know much about positronics but im in
  4. P

    The Vault TH Seeds Promo: Win MK Ultra Feminised Seeds

    For the love of the game, im in.
  5. P

    Barneys Farm Promo At The Vault

    Love to try Barney's. Its Barney's. You guys make me forget to visit other seed stores
  6. P

    Win Your Favourite Cannabis Seeds For Free At The Vault

    Hope this doesnt ruin my chances. Its limited.
  7. P

    Trichomes: Theory To Practice Using A Microscope, Help Needed Please

    Also take care. This is particularly stressful for finicky plants. If its prone then it may rodelize.
  8. P

    Sweet Seeds Are Back With Yet Another Delicious Promo For Team Vault

    This is literally insane. Inmm
  9. P

    The Vault: Win A Pack Of 5 Super Kush From Phoenix Seeds

    Ive never grown or tasted it but id love to try an auto. You guyssss..
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