Recent content by qcash3

  1. Q

    Pipe,Bong,Joint or cooking

    Re: Pipe,Bong,Joint or cooking it..which do you like best! I would say Bong first, then blunt, then pipe, then joint. There is nothing like ripping a sick bong.
  2. Q

    Anybody write when they are high

    Re: anybody write when there high I do my best writing when high. Lol, my English teacher used to be a huge stoner back in the 60's so he never really cared if I came to class completely blazed. So I came in blazed on the day of the exam and wrote a paper on self-reflection, best paper I've...
  3. Q

    Whats do you like to do while baked?

    If I am chillin with my friends we do alot of different stuff. There is a pretty chill hookah bar near us so sometimes we go there after we blaze and just relax over a nice hookah. If I am alone I love to just put on some chill tunes and reflect on stuff.
  4. Q

    Cheifin in Public

    It really is a thrill to smoke in public. One day at school when I didn't have my car with me that day, I just went into this outdoor stairwell below the headmaster's office where no one ever goes and ripped my bong while listening to my Ipod for like half an hour. It was pretty chill.
  5. Q

    My tolerance-btw, my 420th post!!!

    Yeah, there really is no reason to force yourself to smoke more if you are already set. It's about the way you feel not about how much you smoke. I have friends who don't smoke as much as I do, but they are still chill dudes and that's fine by me.
  6. Q

    Bong or Blunt

    I would have to say bong. I used to always smoke j's and blunts, but it makes me grieve to see really good bud rolled into a j or a blunt when you have a bong.
  7. Q

    Pipe Cleaning 101

    I just broke my bong today when I tried to use boiling water to clean it out, is there a way to clean a two foot bong without having it shatter all over you?
  8. Q

    Pot gives new veiw on the world

    One of the main reasons I love this forum is because most of the people here actually appreciate pot for its spiritual and mental effects. I feel that pot has changed my life, I once used to be a slave to the mental opression of conventional society, but once I started smoking pot I saw things...
  9. Q

    Why did You start?

    I started because I was curious, and that was three years ago. Ever since my first session I have been in love, and now I smoke every day.
  10. Q

    Have you ever had Afghan?

    Here in Maryland there is this bud going around called Afghan, have any of you ever heard of it or smoked it before?
  11. Q

    Screen name meanings.

    Mine is a combination of the first letter of my name, Q, the second part cash, is the first part of my favorite rap group, cash money billionaires, and the 3 is becaue I was 13 when I made it up so I just added the three cause Qcash13 was already taken on AIM.
  12. Q

    kinda new

    Thanks. :grinjoint:
  13. Q

    kinda new

    Yeah I am pretty new to this site, but not new to the wonderful art of smoking. One question, what is a difference between like Junior member, Senior member and all that stuff? Be easy and smoke alot.
  14. Q

    Craziest places youve toked in?

    The stairwell of a parking garage. Every floor there was a smoke detector so my friend and I stood in between floors on the stairs and toked. This was back when I was too afraid to smoke outside in public. It was 11:30 p.m. so we probably could have just chilled next to the car, which was parked...
  15. Q

    Getting rid of red eyes

    I use clear eyes, but the only problem is the bottle is so damn hard to use. I don't know about for yall but for me using an eye dropper bottle is hard as hell when high. I end up using half the bottle on one eye and i don't actually get any in my eye, so i have to like tilt my head back so that...
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