Recent content by Rad Man

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  5. Rad Man

    New Mega Crop nothing like old?

    MC and Promix is the way to go for me. I still pH, but I have water issues (alkalinity).
  6. Rad Man

    Dried Buds Too Much!

    I still think increasing your RH is your best shot. The Boveda pack should help you regulate that.
  7. Rad Man

    Dried Buds Too Much!

    Not sure why 10% was your target. Typical target is 60%.You can try and rehydrate with Boveda 62 packs. With RH below 55% the curing process typically stops. I found this chart on the forums.
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  9. Rad Man

    Am I ready for harvest? Cloudy or clear? This article has some details that should help you decide when to harvest.
  10. Rad Man

    Started Without A Clue

    It is difficult to give you precise advice, because you have yet to decide how you want to accomplish your goal. Yes, we'd all like the weed fairy to drop off our favorite flavors... :) We could list off a bunch of merchandise for you to order, but without a budget or goal stated, we can't help...
  11. Rad Man

    Started Without A Clue

    1) Get your environment set up. Lights/temp/humidity controls 2) Figure out what your going to feed with. Coco has no nutrients. 3) Start reading. Clueless is a fixable condition. 4) There are many ways to succeed at this,just pick a direction and go.
  12. Rad Man

    Potassium deficiency? Soil grow, White Widow from seed, Sept 2020

    The alkalinity of your water can have a large influence on your need to pH. I believe that's why we have seen so many different results between the pH and non-pH crowds. God bless the folks who don't have to pH their feeds. I, on the other hand, avoided major catastrophe by adjusting my feed pH...
  13. Rad Man

    New leaves very skinny and drooping, week 5 into Autoflower, Coco living soil Kind

    Keep an eye out for wind burn. That is a honking size fan you have in that grow space.
  14. Rad Man

    Potassium deficiency? Soil grow, White Widow from seed, Sept 2020

    My first glance reaction was light/heat stress, check your light positioning. Those LED lights can scorch some tender leaves, but this usually happens at the top of the plant. Check heat controls while you're working the problem. ;)
  15. Rad Man

    Potassium deficiency? Soil grow, White Widow from seed, Sept 2020

    Looking at your data, you state you are in a soil grow. (Happy Frog) Yet the nutrient feed data sheet you pictured is for a soil-less/hydro/coco style grow. This will result in you missing your pH target. I think your pH is too low, locking out P. Your target feed pH should be 6.5 according to...
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