Recent content by Rav3n

  1. R

    What have I gotten myself into?

    So I just clipped one is case I misunderstood and did it wrong, then I will only have maimed one plant. Let me know how I did please. If I did it right, I'll do the rest the same. :bitingnails: The 3rd pic is the lil guy I found hiding below lol.
  2. It's a boy!

    It's a boy!

    I found this little guy hidden under the big boys :P
  3. Snip


    What I snipped off
  4. Snipped it

    Snipped it

    Hope I did this right
  5. R

    What have I gotten myself into?

    Could you explain how I do that or point me somewhere with instructions that someone as inexperienced as myself could follow and not kill the lot? It's been fun watching them grow so beautifully and so freaking fast, but it would be even more fun if I could keep them going long enough to truly...
  6. R

    What have I gotten myself into?

    I live in Cali in a beach community and as I walk my dogs in the evening I can smell that sweet fragrance all around so I know most people wouldn't be a problem. But it only takes one douche nozzle to complicate your life. I'm fairly sure that the general feeling about weed with the local cops...
  7. R

    What have I gotten myself into?

    I'm sorry, I have no idea. A friend of mine helped out a buddy do a very rushed cultivation and in trade he gave him a bunch to cure on his own. He in turn gave me some. I collected the seeds from those. The only thing I know for sure is that in the end it smelled like hay (my fault no doubt)...
  8. R

    What have I gotten myself into?

    I have two large pots to which I had transfered 3 seedlings each. The pots are these odd felt like foldable things that are approximately 5 gallons each if I remember correctly. Anyway, these babies are around 3 feet tall and at their current rate they will soon be peeking out over my balcony...
  9. R

    What have I gotten myself into?

    Thank you! I'm going try and add my pics now. :thumb:
  10. Ravens babies

    Ravens babies

    Planted a few seeds just for fun and this is what I got.
  11. Close up

    Close up

    I planted a few seeds just for fun and this is what I got.
  12. R

    What have I gotten myself into?

    First, let's get this out of the way... I'm an idiot. At least as far as this topic is concerned. So, I came into possession of a few seeds. I was starting some other potted plants and thought "What the hell?", and I planted 6 seeds(planted the end of May). I left them outside on my balcony...
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