Recent content by RckyMntnHgh

  1. R

    How Common is Testing FOR Synthetic Urine?

    Oh, and I guess I came away from this with a tip for women. I think it might be trickier for women to smuggle in synthetic. Men can get away with baggier pants, and tighty-whities are more snug and secure than the typical pair of women's underwear. Those bottles of synthetic aren't exactly...
  2. R

    How Common is Testing FOR Synthetic Urine?

    ILM - that is CRAZY! A pre-employment saliva test? For a $7.25/hour job?! What the what?! That just blows my mind! Saliva tests are more expensive, aren't they? It seems crazy to me that a company would pay extra to have a saliva test done for a $7.25/hour job. I'm also surprised to learn that...
  3. R

    How Common is Testing FOR Synthetic Urine?

    :) I passed my UA with Quick Fix and got the job. :)
  4. R

    How Common is Testing FOR Synthetic Urine?

    Thanks, guys, for posting responses. Especially Hogdaddy; hearing you've passed multiple times with synthetic makes me feel a little more confident that I won't hear bad news tomorrow. I tried to detox on my own but it just wasn't happening. Even with a ReadyClean drink AND a Dr. Green's...
  5. R

    How Common is Testing FOR Synthetic Urine?

    Does anyone know how common it is for a lab to test FOR synthetic urine? i.e., I am planning to use synthetic urine for my urine analysis, but am worried that a lack of smell or foaminess will flag my sample. As are many of the other posters in this section, I am in total freak-out mode...
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