Recent content by Rell01

  1. R

    Failed test

    I ended up taking the lat test around Aug 24 just because I didn't have a job lined up yet. Passed the test using synthetic. I found a new job that will pay me the same and keep me at home with no travel which I start on the 24th. I got the job offer letter the other day and accepted. They...
  2. R

    Failed urine screening after a month of abstinence

    Unfortunately flushing your system with water doesn't work since THC is stored in the fat cells. THC will accumulate the more you smoke and if you were a heavy smoker it can take up to 90 days to be completely out of your system. I stopped smoking for 45 days and failed a drug test. One way...
  3. R

    Hey everyone! New to the website looking for some help! Pre-Employment screening

    THC is stored in fat cells, so the best way to expel the THC from your system is to exercise and eat a high fiber diet. The sauna may help, but drinking water and cranberry pills will just dilute the pee not "clean you out". If you can get a home test and test yourself that would be ideal that...
  4. R

    Did I mess up?

    Any word on your test?
  5. R

    Did I mess up?

    Only one way to find out. I've read that people have used energy drinks to pass tests.
  6. R

    Odds of passing at 20 think I'm good for 50

    Looks negative. Regardless of how faint the second line is two lines indicates a negative test
  7. R

    Help! Need answers on synthetic urine

    Most synthetic can be reheated with no issues. Most samples need to be at least 2 oz, so if you don't have that much to fill the cup then they may ask you to pee again.
  8. R

    Odds of passing at 20 think I'm good for 50

    You can always try drinking a ton of water to dilute the piss and taking some vitamins to regulate the color.
  9. R

    Odds of passing at 20 think I'm good for 50

    I had a similar issue which you can read here Failed test If you're unsure I would suggest getting synthetic urine. It's very easy to use as long as you follow the directions. In the past year I've passed 4-5 tests using synthetic.
  10. R

    Ultimate Gold Ultimate golden shower review?

    Never heard of that brand. The ones advertised on here work fine. If you want to know the kind of synthetic I use shoot me a pm.
  11. R

    Failed test

    A little updated with my issue. I was put on work probation for 12 months with a document that was signed by HR, Office Manger and myself from July 14, 2015 to July 14, 2016 and in that 12 months I was to have 6 random tests. I had to have 5 sessions with a substance abuse counselor which...
  12. R

    Pre Employment drug test! Faint negative line after 2 weeks?

    To share an experience I've had with thinking I was going to pass a UA. At the time before the test I was a heavy smoker and I quit smoking for about a 45 days before my test. I took about 5 at home tests and they all had a faint line which indicates a negative tests. Anyway I took the test...
  13. R

    Synthetic Urine results from random UA

    Here are my results I got back from Medtox after submitting a sample using synthetic. I know people have used it and other synthetic urines and have passed like I did, but I thought I'd share the results to show the pH level and creatinine levels that were also tested if anyone is interested in...
  14. DS result

    DS result

    Results of synthetic urine quick fix 6.1 from Medtox 5 panel test
  15. R

    Length of time to detox

    I was a heavy smoker for a number of years and I quit on June 20 because I knew I had a test coming up in July. I took the test on July 9 and failed. I have discussed this issue in a previous thread. Anyway before I got the results back I smoked a a couple bowls, a few joints and a blunt on...
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