Recent content by RHUMP

  1. R

    New Here

    Good morning! I have slept in a bit and I'm hesitant to look at the girls this am! I can't figure out why my 10 plants that are in second location are doing so well but the two at home are just not happy! Gonna give em a look after shower and coffee. Postive vibes please
  2. R

    New Here

    Dang! We have a lot in common! I am 12 recovering addict! I liked the White back in the day! Lol And they tried to talk me into meds as well! No thank you! I like me and my moods and I choose to live my life with medicine that works and makes me feel better!
  3. R

    New Here

    Nice!! And as for the pics....I'm really over the whole thing....I am being quiet about it but I'm just done with worrying! I'm willing to pay the price if that becomes necessary! This is a medical thing for me and it's the only medicine that I've found that helps. It's too expensive at 100 qt...
  4. R

    New Here

    Loving this site now that I know how to navigate better!! Thanks guys!! I will report back soon!
  5. R

    New Here

    That's a vintage gauge that my grandpa gave me....but I will get a new one.
  6. R

    New Here

    I started in small paper cups, went to red solo cups....they are 28 days old and in 5" pots as of Tuesday. They are nice and moist now and with a ph balanced soil/water mix.
  7. R

    New Here

    1000 watt double chip led Full spectrum Organic soil Discovered today that ph was 7 so I've added lemon juice to drop ph I was underwatering at first.....I transplanted 10 girls at my second location and kept 2 here with me. The 10 others are thriving but these two are struggling. The roots...
  8. R

    New Here

  9. R

    New Here

    Thank you so much! I hope they make it!
  10. R

    New Here

    Ok! Will do! You have helped me by just teaching me to load pics;)
  11. R

    New Here

    I've been pretty stressed out with this. I discovered today that my ph was 7 and I had been underwatering.
  12. R

    New Here

    Ugh! Good call
  13. R

    New Here

    Can you see these?
  14. R

    New Here

  15. R

    New Here

    Ah!! I think I get it......brb
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