Recent content by RiffnChar

  1. RiffnChar

    RiffnChar's Aurora Indica/AK-48 Grow Log 2009/2010

    From this! The girls have been under 12/12 since 4 January 2010. Looking pretty good. I think I am gonna end up with an unintentional SOG. LOL So far 5 out of the 6 plants are female. AK-48#1 is the only unknown left. Here how they look now: And here is their "baby pic"...
  2. Pics01_10_10_003


  3. RiffnChar

    RiffnChar's Aurora Indica/AK-48 Grow Log 2009/2010

    Latest update! Well folks I have to announce that Xmas 2009 was not the greatest. My dad, James Moncrieff passed away on 12/25/09. He was, at the end of his life, one of the worlds greatest pot heads. He had diabetes for more than 30 years and it finally consumed him. Towards the end he...
  4. RiffnChar

    RiffnChar's Aurora Indica/AK-48 Grow Log 2009/2010

    Week 4 Update Lotsa changes in the last week or so. First off I have transplanted into bigger pots for flowering phase except Aurora#1 and AK-48#1. They will be transplanted when I can get to the hydro store for more FFOH soil. I ran out after doing the other transplants and I am stuck in the...
  5. Week 4 veg pics

    Week 4 veg pics

  6. Week 4 veg pics

    Week 4 veg pics

  7. Week 4 veg pics

    Week 4 veg pics

  8. Week 4 veg pics

    Week 4 veg pics

  9. RiffnChar

    Rocafellarush's First Grow Nirvana Ak-48 Fem 2009

    Looking great rocafella! Keep doing whatever it is your doing cause those are some healthy looking ladies. Those bud sites should start filling in nicely very soon.....
  10. RiffnChar

    What does your spouse/gf/bf think of you smoking?

    Me n Char have always smoked with each other. It keeps us laughing, talking and sharing. Plus our growing gives us both a hobby we enjoy. I enjoy the science/tech side of it and she likes puttering in the garden. Plus we both LOVE the end results!
  11. RiffnChar

    RiffnChar's Aurora Indica/AK-48 Grow Log 2009/2010

    The box is 2'x2'x3'(H). Yes I veg and flower in the same box. When I go to flower I replace the 6500K cfl's with 2700K cfl's. Last grow was 12-14 weeks. I harvest the top colas first and that lets more light to the lower buds so they can ripen too. I have another cabinet in work for...
  12. RiffnChar

    RiffnChar's Aurora Indica/AK-48 Grow Log 2009/2010

    End of week 3 vegging. You can really see the difference a week makes! All plants are looking very healthy and bushy. No reaching. All had their first shot of nutes this past week. AK-48 #3 looks a little stressed. I think I gave her too much water.... All will be topped next Monday and...
  13. Week 3 veg

    Week 3 veg

    Aurora Indica week 3 veg
  14. Week 3 veg

    Week 3 veg

    AK-48 week 3 veg
  15. Our last Aurora buds

    Our last Aurora buds

    Top cola's from our last Aurora Indica grow.
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