Recent content by rockbottomchica

  1. R


    so i have this aweful respiratory cold. i cough a lot, have a sore throat and phlegm. is it alright to smoke pot while i'm sich? i try not to smoke cigarettes cause they make it worse, so would weed do the same thing?
  2. R

    Some aussie dank

    oooh looks tasty!
  3. R

    Apartment tokers

    yeah, I get caught sometimes. But I live in what is called a 'flop-house'. It's basically local appartments just for the university students who don't want a dorm or didn't get one. So drugs and alcohol are regulars around the appartment. mostly the super ignores it as long as we don't trash the...
  4. R


    doods, it not a glass pipe. its a metal onehitter, or a bat. painted to look like a cigarette. real old skool. belongs a walnut-wood dugout with a wolf silhoutte (sp?) fashioned from turquoise on it. spring loaded so that when you slide the top open, the bat pops up. stole it from my old roomate
  5. R

    Smoking First-Timers?

    yeah, but i had to teachher prude-ass how to INHALE. tsk,tsk,tsk. now she hates the ganja and everything related to it. so it wasnt really a privilege...more of a waste of time and weed.
  6. R


    naw, i use musician-grade 'pipe' cleaners. for cleaning the spit out of copper tubing. nasty shit.
  7. R


    yeah, i got an assortment of pipe cleaners from when i played the french horn (i had to clean out all the little nooks and crannies monthly) works great
  8. R


    hmmm. thanks guys. l'm gonna go pick up some acetone on monday morning from the local general store. so far,its been soaking in a water and simple-green mix. i was hoping it would break down all the shit and later i could go at it with a waterpik. ahhhh, the things we do for our friend maryjane...
  9. R


    like nail polish remover? l considered using CLR cleaner, but i'm not sure if it will leave a nasty flavor even after washing it out, like some cleaners.
  10. R


    I have this really, really, really, old dugout from when I first started smoking. I have unfortunately neglected to use it (or clean the metal one-hitter) for many years now. I broke my spoon and no longer have anything portable, except for my dugout. The problem is, the shit built up in the...
  11. R

    No screens for my bong!

    dont you window screens cause they burn and stink real bad. its hard to find metal window screens.
  12. R

    All blunt smokers

    i usually sort the weed tight on top of the joint (or tobaccy) paper then simply line it up and roll. i'm ok at rolling, but i need to improve.
  13. R

    The 420 Times Christmas Story (told by us)

    but keeps calling my cell lookin' for tree.
  14. R

    The 420 Times Christmas Story (told by us)

    my sistah in the hood with her nappy-ass 'do.
  15. R

    Allergic to not tokin'

    maryjane drastically reduces the pain that I experience when I get headaches. I have a rare type of mangnesium surplus disease (though not life threatening) where my body overproduces the element and it builts up in my hypothalamus-part of the brain. The magnesium is pumped through my brain and...
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