Recent content by Roosterstu

  1. R

    Beasters! Plz Read

    i consider myself almost a veteran smoker, but see, I dont know what kind of strain I am smoking. I see all of these kinds on the internet and magazines, but im never lucky enough to smoke any. The weed i get always,always looks like beast lol
  2. R

    Favourite method of smoking?

    i like joints because if you are trying to be stealthy, the evidence is destroyed after you are done smoking
  3. R


    more of a body high, major cottonmouth, i had it in soup but i assume it will be the same. uhhh lasts alot longer, takes longer to go into full effect. very uplifting. i like it but smoking is more fun, eating is stealthy
  4. R

    First Time Trying Pot

    man i make weed soup all the time and its not the same high, it sneaks up on you and your fucked up for the rest of the day, and you have cottonmouth for the rest of the day also. From my experience, it is more of a body high when you eat it, Put in a 20 sack in my chicken noodle soup with some...
  5. R

    Best time to start growing in MI

    I live in MI and i need to know when i should start my seeds. what temp on average should it be before its ok?
  6. R

    Whats your stoner name?

    Re: Whats your stoner name?? i would say rooster, but i like my bongs name, stoobie, kinda like a doobie, and its the son of stewey
  7. R


    i bet you dont get as high though right?
  8. R

    Legal to grow 24 plants?

    man cali sounds so nice, I like Michigan but MI has no perks like that
  9. R


    can someone explain a vaporizer to me, how does it work, what does it do,etc.
  10. R

    Legal to grow 24 plants?

    ahh ok
  11. R

    Legal to grow 24 plants?

    Mantuska Valley said numerous times, hes allowed to grow 24 plants legally, is that true, if it is im moving
  12. R

    cultivation rumor

    i heard that if you piss on your plant, its good for it, not on it but instead of watering it.
  13. R


    dont drink ALOT though because you can die from too much water
  14. R


    when i was at growthworks, if it comes out undetermined, it means you fail it. try visine in your piss just a couple of squirts, it worked for me
  15. R

    HELP- smoke shop

    k thanks, ill look that up, anyone here live near metro detroit, MI, that would know of any?
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