Recent content by Rusky

  1. R

    1st Time Grow Jack Diesel Sativa Indoor CCOB w LST Hydro

    A week into the cure and this weed gets better every day, I've taken it upon myself to be a tester and am treating the role very seriously, tough job but I guess someone has to do it. I've been making sure that my 1st of the day is a bong of our very own Jack Diesel, this way I can judge the...
  2. R

    Share your Cannabis Christmas Tree Pics! Ho Ho Ho

    Come on folks, a bit of a festive competition for the last Sunday before Christmas? Kudos is the only prize available, but that's got to be worth every penny :cheertwo:
  3. R

    1st Time Grow Jack Diesel Sativa Indoor CCOB w LST Hydro

    Hi yuyo, thanks for your thoughts. You could well be right as we're on day 39 of flower, Positronics' guidelines are for 65-70 days flowering so we're planning for 70 as I've heard/read that seed producers tend to be a but ambitious with their guidelines, which means a planned flush starting on...
  4. R

    Hi folks, I'm Rusky, Cherry Haze's lesser half ;)

    Cheers for the Denver recommendation Dusty, will keep it in mind when making firmer plans. Gozgrow - I've just read through your journal (yes, slow day at work), you've been through the wars with that grow. I thought I was struggling to manage 2 phenotypes, so 9 strains sounded tricky from...
  5. R

    Hi folks, I'm Rusky, Cherry Haze's lesser half ;)

    Thanks again for the warm welcome folks, always good to find like minds. On that topic, I was considering coming across The Pond for one of the Cannabis Cups that High Times have kicked off over there, I've been listening to Danny Danko and he has got me very into the idea. Having never been to...
  6. R

    Managing 2 phenotypes in same tent

    Light Addict you're a legend, I really appreciate your input, having read plenty of your posts and threads before I know you've done your research. To be honest trichome production is a major factor for me too :bong: so it's interesting to learn that the last minute dark period is more of a...
  7. R

    Hi folks, I'm Rusky, Cherry Haze's lesser half ;)

    Hey Spimp and yuyo, thanks for the welcome ;) I definitely made the right choice signing up here, catch up with you all later. :thumb:
  8. R

    Hi folks, I'm Rusky, Cherry Haze's lesser half ;)

    No worries, your secret is safe with...oh :)
  9. R

    Managing 2 phenotypes in same tent

    Hi folks, Cherry Haze and I are growing out 4 Jack Diesel seeds and seem to have 2 phenotypes going on - 3 of 1 and 1 of another, if you follow me - check the journal if you want to see... 1st Time Grow Jack Diesel Sativa Indoor CCOB w LST Hydro The main 3 are filling out nicely but the other...
  10. R

    Hi folks, I'm Rusky, Cherry Haze's lesser half ;)

    Hi everyone, my better half, Cherry Haze, has been keeping a journal of our 1st grow 1st Time Grow Jack Diesel Sativa Indoor CCOB w LST Hydro Living in a less enlightened country as we do, it gets really frustrating not being able to talk about our project with everyone, this site seems to...
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