Recent content by Sad Panda99

  1. S

    Sativa, Indica differences?

    Ok, thanks a lot guys. Sweet pic, by they way. I wanna get out of my apartment and into a house next year, so I can grow.
  2. S

    Cable Company Pulls Medical Marijuana Ads

    These ideas are dangerous for the profits of those in power. It really doesn't surprise me that thes ideas are being stomped out of the major media. They're just lap dogs for the Bush administration anyway. People in this country are trained from birth to conform, follow, and be complacent. The...
  3. S

    Sativa, Indica differences?

    So whats the difference between Sativa and Indica strains? The appearence, the growing characteristics, the type of high, all that.
  4. S

    Growing Cannabis Facts

    Hot damn! I've been looking for this exact info for days! Thanks dude.:rasta:
  5. S

    Where U Get Your Weed Money Yo?

    Financial Aid dude! The fucking government pays for my weed. The irony makes me feel warm inside.:cool:
  6. S

    Marijuana Goes to Ballot

    This could be the start of something great. The societal paradigm towards Cannabis is extremely twisted and completely irrational. If this amendment passes it could really start to shift that paradigm. All those Neo-fascist Conservatives will see that legalizing cannabis use actually WOULDN'T...
  7. S

    Senate Approves Hemp Bill AB 1147

    YAY FOR INDUSTRIAL HEMP! This is great news whether you smoke weed or not. It's simply an amazing plant for so many reasons, and widespread use of it will make the world a better place. I just bought a hemp wallet and shirt yesterday. F U, COTTON LORDS!!! Now why the hell don't they do this in...
  8. S

    Study Finds More Kids Smoke Pot Than Cigarettes - It's Still Illegal

    It's true that you can become dependant on weed. I did. I went through some really tough times and smoked out every day for a year. I spent probably 60-80 bucks a week on it, because I just HAD to have it in order to deal with all the bullshit in my life. I drowned my sorrows in a bong, so to...
  9. S

    He'll Pay Price for Shipping Marijuana

    One thing that us college students can do to stop the injustice is to join or start a chapter of Students for Sensible Drug policy. Visit to check it out. I'm starting a chapter at my university in the fall. SSDP is great for changing school drug policies and is working hard on...
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