Recent content by sd-420

  1. S

    Short of breath

    Despite the good natured responses, it's IS a good idea to go see a doctor if you think you have asthma.
  2. S

    During the downtime

    Must not be me, since I barely get to play as much as I'd like. I work out and have a job - a great job. I over-reacted as I was going through a lonely day, but I leave it unedited as a display of 'be careful how your simple statement can be interpreted'.
  3. S

    During the downtime

    Fuck you.
  4. S

    During the downtime

    Ok, this can be the official support thread. Just knowing other people are in the same boat as you really helps. So if you're taking a break, this can be the thread. Permanent quitting advice should be asked elsewhere. When you're feeling the pressure, just post your feelings here. Go off...
  5. S

    During the downtime

    During the downtime (official 'taking a break' support thread) Edit 01.16.05: This is now the official 'I have to take a break from weed' thread. Post here for support, to rant and rave, and to seek advice on how to spend your time. The focus is for those who need to take short breaks...
  6. S

    Allergic to not tokin'

    I'm completely baffled. I took a break from getting high to get over my cold. I've been having allergy trouble towards the end of the cold, but lately I sad F*** it - I'm smokin' Well I've discovered that when I smoke, I'm fine, and when I don't - my allergies bug me. Does this make any sense...
  7. S


    Can you do custom avatars?
  8. S


    What's up everyone? I just registered. I've actually been checking out the forums for a while thinking about it, but I decided why not post here since I don't have a life anyways? :cool:
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