Recent content by seedy420

  1. S

    Synethetic Urine storage parameters

    Re: Synethetic Urine storage parameters... I forgot to mention that Quest Diagnostics is the company contracted to analyze all urine samples, so (according to all my sources [ie. alot of you guys]) synthetic is a viable option for me.
  2. S

    Synethetic Urine storage parameters

    Got some good advice from a dude on here about preparing for the future. Now, I have two questions: 1. What synthetic urine do you trust the most, 2. What are the storage parameters for synthetic urine (or whatever brand you suggest), and 3. How long is synthetic urine good for (depending on...
  3. S

    Any suggestions for any future tests?

    That's why I was asking. I'm not totally sure what would be my best options as far as being able to continue to smoke and staying negative on any urinalysis I take. So you're suggesting to get that Quickfix detox and a Whizzinator? I'll have to give it a looksey. Thanks man!
  4. S

    Any suggestions for any future tests?

    Hey all. This is my first post because I was searching different topics and found that this forum kept coming up with helpful posts. I recently applied for a job with a large company. As with most, they have drug screening policies, although oddly enough they haven't mentioned anything...
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