Recent content by sensamillia

  1. S

    Sensa's First Grow Journal - 250W HPS & LED Setup - 2016

    Hi guys, So a few days have passed, i thought i'd give an update about how things are going. The bagseed "kush" has been steadily growing ever since the change to HPS lighting. It is starting to give off a slight odour as well. it's not really strong enough to start thinking about a filter but...
  2. S

    Is Cannabis Intelligent?

    i actually really enjoyed that reading that post, especially how you doubled back to what we perceive as "free will" or "intelligence" being just a convoluted version of natural processes. it's true! if we scale everything down enough it becomes quite obvious that everything we do is just a...
  3. S

    Bayer Natria product line safe?

    Isn't Cannabis considered a "weed" ? :p i can't have any way of saying but you'd think that wouldn't be all to beneficial for your plants, no ? why no nutes that are specifically designed for cannabis? i can imagine the Bayer product line isn't all too cheap, so why not use a qualitative...
  4. S

    Sensa's First Grow Journal - 250W HPS & LED Setup - 2016

    re: Sensa's First Grow Journal - 250W HPS & LED Setup - 2016 anyways, since i'm not doing much than waiting for a reply <3 and not having any of di herb to consume i'll please you guys with what i think would be a perfect themesong for growers ;) Oh, and a small sidenote Watering At the...
  5. S

    Sensa's First Grow Journal - 250W HPS & LED Setup - 2016

    Hi guys, So to finally officially start off the grow journal, here are my plants. it's day 5 since potting the seedlings. i sadly can't tell for sure how old "kush" is, but i'm planning to start scrogging it or something and keeping it in veg untill the other ones catch up. I found a...
  6. S

    Sensa's First Grow Journal - 250W HPS & LED Setup - 2016

    Grow tent lighting at the moment i'm running 2 of these 30w AliExpress LED's, they don't seem all that powerfull, but they have a good shine, and they get hot, but not so much that i can't touch them, even after a few hours. 2 more of these and a 50w bulb are also underway from Aliexpress...
  7. S

    Sensa's First Grow Journal - 250W HPS & LED Setup - 2016

    re: Sensa's First Grow Journal - 250w HPS & LED Setup 2016 While imgur is painfully slow at uploading my pictures i thought i'd please you guys with some pictures of "kush" when i didn't even think of a growing room yet. It looks somewhat healthy, but quite stretchy and droopy in my opinion...
  8. S

    Sensa's First Grow Journal - 250W HPS & LED Setup - 2016

    re: Sensa's First Grow Journal - 250w HPS & LED Setup 2016 While imgur is painfully slow at uploading my pictures i thought i'd please you guys with some pictures of "kush" when i didn't even think of a growing room yet. It looks somewhat healthy, but quite stretchy and droopy in my opinion...
  9. S

    Sensa's First Grow Journal - 250W HPS & LED Setup - 2016

    Re: First grow journal, HPS + LED set-up Let's get to the basic set-up details. Grow Tent a 70x70x160cm Mars Hydro growtent Lighting For lighting i'm using a 250W Phillips MASTER SON-T PIA+ lamp as well as several small grow LED's bought at a sharp price from AliExpress. (since...
  10. S

    Sensa's First Grow Journal - 250W HPS & LED Setup - 2016

    Hi there guys, A while ago i found a bagseed in a bag of what was supposed to be kush. Since it was end march, start of april i decided i'd give growing it a go. I wasn't in for too much of a hassle thinking it would just be a plant on a windowsill, being watered daily and iven no nutes...
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