Recent content by Severalmore

  1. S

    Butane Free Process To Blow Wax! Where Has This Been - Opinions?

    Well... I am not talking about BHO...just using everclear and doing a quick wash, so qwet...I am familiar with RSO but barely. Your answer actually makes perfect sense and is what I wanted to know. I was also asking about thinning oil, thick but still a liquid, to vape in a cartridge...and...
  2. S

    Butane Free Process To Blow Wax! Where Has This Been - Opinions?

    I have read the awesome qwet instructions, following the link in red. I'm just curious, if time wasn't a concern, can I decarb the material first, by baking it, and purge the alcohol at the end by just letting it evaporate naturally? Even if it took a few days...? Is decarbing at the end...
  3. S

    GFC Extracts

    I have a question that I can be clear about, and I am sure you are legally fine to answer--thank you for the offer. My first question is about vaporizing... And I'm asking for your opinion because you seem to get the science behind this, so here goes... I am a Colorado med patient, and I get...
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