Recent content by shagshop

  1. S

    First DWC Grow

    Nope Sorry the Root rot got me :( sorry i didn't update, just trying to fix my problems and i will be starting a new strain very soon and i hope it will be a little more successful. :)
  2. S

    First DWC Grow

    so its been almost a month with out any update im sorry but not much to update on. I lost my strain as it would not root and was costing me so much money to try and keep so its been removed sadly and has been replace by another unknown strain ( bagseed) i had already had this plant in its first...
  3. S

    DWC cloning

    i know this is an old thread but can you tell us do you add any nutrients to the water before any roots have appeared ? and if so at what strength ? and does this speed the rooting process up ? thanks bro
  4. S

    First DWC Grow

    So it turns out even tho new roots were appearing bright white it would only take a couple of days before things would start to turn bad. So this time i removed my whole plant from the net pot and the first thing i see is my whole root ball is just brown slime ( root rot). Now i really want to...
  5. S

    First DWC Grow

    what up 420, just a quick update here on my grow. So as stated above i am using the Dutch master advanced nutrient line and i have been using there online calculator. This allows you to put what nutrients your using, how long your grow cycle is and what size res your using. Then it calculates...
  6. S

    Nutrient Burn in Root Zone?

    since last night i removed half of my res water and replaced it with plain ph water (5.7) and over night i have seen a big change in the plants roots there's about 1cm of new growth and it looks completely white also my water level has dropped about 1cm over night as well and the new growth on...
  7. S

    Nutrient Burn in Root Zone?

    what up fuzzy duck thanks for the input. your comment about " on the off chance you might have over feed to cause nutrient burn " i think this is correct and could you tell me does this damage the root zone ? thanks an at the moment i am using dutch master zone as for my roots is this the same...
  8. S

    Nutrient Burn in Root Zone?

    that's all good bro thanks heaps for leaving a reply i much appreciate it. peace out, stay chilled :)
  9. S

    Nutrient Burn in Root Zone?

    i think it might be to high off ppm that is causing a nutrient lock out which is also causing a nutrient burn and also affecting my root zone because they cant intake nutrients therefore slowly causing root rot.... i don't believe anything else can cause this as my water temp is between 60f and...
  10. S

    Nutrient Burn in Root Zone?

    thanks for the reply much appreciate it. I am sorry i should of mentioned that i am growing in dwc and not soil thanks peace out, stay chilled :)
  11. S

    Nutrient Burn in Root Zone?

    HI there guys i understand that nutrient burn will show signs at the tip of the leaves first but does anyone know if you have added to much nutrients to the water does this affect the root zone and can it lead to root rot? peace out, stay chilled :)
  12. S

    First DWC Grow

    First of i would like to say that it has taking me sometime to get to this point but with out further a do i bring to you my first Dwc Grow. At this point im at the start of week 4 it has been slow growth because i have already had some problems early on with algae and root rot, plus i had...
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