Recent content by shortbritches

  1. S

    Sohum soil

    it is good enough that i bought a pallet of it and am fixing to buy another pallet
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    Sohum soil

    i am not sure about the best but it is pretty damn good and easy. I have used it for abput 1 1/2 yrs 4 grows and it does fine with 8 week flower if over 8 weeks you might have to amend or top dress
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    Sohum Living Soil Review

    just bought a pallet of sohum. in my last grow i did side by side with norther lights and another with dosidos the Sohum out preformed in both cases really good stuff.I am seventy five now and been at this since 1968 and it is getting harder and harder to mix my own soil mixes. it looks like i...
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    Grubs in my worm bin

    look like black horned beetle there are numerous kinds some like wood some like manure others just live in moist soil I find them all the time in my compost bin , they do not hurt anything but like Stone Otter said they make great fishing bait or just crush um up and the worms will turn them...
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    When should I flush?

    I like it thanks , I guess i' be been doing it right for 50+ yrs.but a person can always learn something even if he is an old fart
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    When should I flush?

    Why flush if growing organic . I do not add nutes when growing . The nutes,fish meal,alfalfa meal,bat guano etc are in soil when I plant .and I never add nutes just worm tea. So why flush. If some one can give me a reasoned answer I would consider it.
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    Christmas Buds! Mid 1990's strain: Anyone remember and know what strain?

    Ya I'm happy with them am thinking about maybe getting some more( if I can) and making some not have room to keep a lot of mother's. If I can't get another 7 pack I will make some with what I got. If I get lucky I might find a good male, however with my luck the last 4 seeds all will be...
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    Christmas Buds! Mid 1990's strain: Anyone remember and know what strain?

    Hi people I just stumbled across this thread and thought I would throw my two cents in .I ordered some seeds from from a seed bank in Washington and got a 7 pack of 1979 Christmas's tree seeds as a bonus.(non-guys 1979 Christmas tree from an out fit called bud preservation seeds.) Do not know...
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