Recent content by shovit

  1. S

    LumiGrow ES165 Need some help

    More blue will make the plants bushier and is mainly for veg and red for flowering. I suggest a little red and max blue during veg and during flowering you should have both maxed out for the extra light.
  2. S

    Koalas Super Silver Lemon Haze 600w LED Grow!

    The leaves, check for PH, I had similar problems and noticed my PH was very acidic, about 5. It doesn't look like cal mag problems at all but I strongly suggest checking your PH levels. Just a Q, isn't the light a little too far away from the canopy?
  3. S

    Two 550 Watt LEDs on a Light Mover in a Tent

    Is it possible having both White and Red leds on at the same time? More light will help getting deeper penetration also the white will supply some red light too. It will consume more watt but may help.
  4. S

    DIY Aerocloner First Test Run - Please Help!

    not to be rude or anything, but have you ever tried just put a clone into a glass of water, with or without rooting powder. Since the stem is fully under water it will supply all the water to the rest of the clone, no misting or humiditydome is required. Rooting powder will make the clone root...
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