Recent content by sica676

  1. S

    LMAO Cloning For Dummies

    I mean yes they would but hm better theyd do idk
  2. S

    LMAO Cloning For Dummies

    As long as your plants arnt suffering your fine bro
  3. S

    LMAO Cloning For Dummies

    Yea I use alot of ph down to get what I need
  4. S

    LMAO Cloning For Dummies

    I usually dont oh my spray which is bad I forget alot. But I always ph my water I water with. Expect the few occasions I forget
  5. S

    LMAO Cloning For Dummies

    I forget every once in awhile. And That's bad cause my water tests at 8 and plants like in the 6s
  6. S

    LMAO Cloning For Dummies

    I wonder if its just telling you to ph you spray? I know you should when using one of the nutrients I use for foliar feed
  7. S

    LMAO Cloning For Dummies

    That's a ph down solution
  8. S

    LMAO Cloning For Dummies

    Explain the foliar spray part to me. Havnt heard of phing leafs. Of course I know the water
  9. S

    Manganese deficiency

    If its mag you can use cal mag I like botanicar
  10. S

    LMAO Cloning For Dummies

    Ahhh gotcha id have to buy a new tube and need more
  11. S

    LMAO Cloning For Dummies

    I dont give it away. I get lil bits given to me so I enjoy it
  12. S

    LMAO Cloning For Dummies

    I agree for sure man I trim mine by hand. But they like that air machine and gets coffee cans full of keef. So they've been giving it away. Its fire and free can't beat that
  13. S

    LMAO Cloning For Dummies

    Not this batch. This guy I know has a trimming machine. Buds go one way trimmed. Keef goes another way with air and trim goes a different way
  14. S

    LMAO Cloning For Dummies

    How to start your morning and day off properly Its a slick full of fire blonde keef
  15. S

    LMAO Cloning For Dummies

    Damn man idk what to say on that one :/
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