Recent content by silkyjohnson

  1. silkyjohnson

    Are there any other parent smokers?

    I've never heard it put that way before, but it's a great point. Your mind is more open when you're high, and you can relate to a child a lot more easily
  2. silkyjohnson

    When is Kentucky going to get MMJ?

    hahaha i know it's a funny joke, the notion of my Kentucky home state adopting a MMJ program. but that doesn't mean i don't want it to happen. how many years (or centuries) will it take? there is MMJ in 13 states. how was it done there, and how can it be done in Kentucky?
  3. silkyjohnson

    blunts, bowls, bongs, or joints?

    i always love a good blunt, even though that's probably the least-healthy way to use Cannabis. but fuck it, blunts ftw if not a blunt, bong rips are the way to go. In addition to posting here, vote here and let us know how you use marijuana
  4. silkyjohnson

    The Joy of Vaporizing

    vaporizers are the SHIT! great write up. what can MMJ opponents gonna say once vapes become more and more mainstream? that's right, nothing
  5. silkyjohnson

    Are there any other parent smokers?

    there is nothing wrong with a parent toking as long as they keep up with their other shit (job, stuff with the kids, all that grown up stuff). i mean personally, i can't imagine a future where i have kids and don't smoke cannabis. also, a lot more adults probably smoke than us youngsters...
  6. silkyjohnson

    Legalize Hemp Flyer to Print & Pass Out!

    damn, hemp seems fucking magical. i love smoking weed, but industrial hemp is THE real deal. how sick would it be if hemp was grown around the world for paper making? imagine, not having to cut down trees for paper anymore...that's a big deal. a really big deal
  7. silkyjohnson

    Whats up 420!

    New here, but not new to the wonderful world of Cannabis! What should I say in an introduction? I love weed :yummy:
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