Recent content by SimeonToko

  1. SimeonToko

    RUNOFF PH 5.9 PPM 2700

    Thank you for the help they are looking pretty healthy today
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  7. SimeonToko

    RUNOFF PH 5.9 PPM 2700

    Very true statement. Yeah today I was going to water again. I lifted the pot it definitely feels lighter then the day I passed 1 1/2 gallons in each 5 gallon pot ( got enough run off to fill the ac infinity watering bases they’re on way to much runoff ) and also did the finger test lol. I...
  8. SimeonToko

    RUNOFF PH 5.9 PPM 2700

    Thank you so much and one more question when in flower do I let the soil completely dry before watering or never let it dry completely just try to keep it moist not water
  9. SimeonToko

    RUNOFF PH 5.9 PPM 2700

    So just PH to 6.5 and measure PPM going in not out
  10. SimeonToko

    Question about light height and PPFD during flowering using a IONBOARD S24

    Through some lite research it’s been said that autos only need from 30-45 DLI or 600-800 PPFD. I have no problem trying out your method at 18 inch 90-95% which would probably have my light output at around 900-1050 on the canopy. I’m also assuming you have this light and have experience with...
  11. SimeonToko

    RUNOFF PH 5.9 PPM 2700

    My light is 16-18 inches from top canopy. I believe the wattage is 280. I have 4 fans and a in linefan with carbon exhaust. The VPD is between 1.0-1.3 average temps 75-82 and humidity 55-66 degrees
  12. SimeonToko

    Question about light height and PPFD during flowering using a IONBOARD S24

    Been getting a DLI of 45 and PPFD of 725 at highest cola and average of 550-650 on Lowers. I’ve read more then 700-750 PPFD or 50 DLI for a 20/4 schedule is the range needed for my autos to flower. I’ve also watched videos of MYGRO owner test the light at different ranges and the light is good...
  13. SimeonToko

    RUNOFF PH 5.9 PPM 2700

    I do have grow big but stop using it now that I’m in week 3 of flowering and because my calmag has nitrogen in it and didn’t wanna cause a nutrient toxicity on N. I also wasn’t flushing/dunking for PH it was for PPM to see what has been going on in the soil. I believe because this is my first...
  14. SimeonToko

    RUNOFF PH 5.9 PPM 2700

    Ok so being I did the “DUNK/FLUSH” of straight distilled water last feeding your saying feed this time and don’t worry about the high runoff from previous just follow the nutrient/water/nutrient/water etc schedule? Also every time I feed should it be to runoff? My last watering was the only...
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