Recent content by SirSmokealot

  1. S


    It's harder to not have a job, meaning no money to buy weed with. If you think like that maybe you'll realize that you're one happy dude. I too have a job so I can buy my weed, light up and think to myself that it's really worth it.
  2. S

    fucked up at mcdonalds

    I'm a fat least in my dreams...
  3. S


    I was just wondering about your "rank", you know it displays under your name...mine says marijuana smoker. I get that it has to do with how many posts you've made but which are the different ranks? Stupid question maybe but I'm a LOVER not a SMOKER...hehe peace
  4. S

    First time you were high

    The first time I got high was the second time I smoked. Me and a friend had some really good weed, which is nearly impossible to get a hold of here. I took two hits from a corn cob pipe and I got soooo stoned. I experienced everything in still frames (kind of). One second, I could see...
  5. S

    Funny jungle tale

    That's not very funny man...maybe if you're stoned...
  6. S

    What are you thinking?

    Equilibrium, my friend and i just read what you wrote and that's some pretty good writing. I might add that i'm really mellowed out. Damn! That story had me like nothing before. Thanks man! Also, someone wrote "being able to fly" and that would probably beat everything. My friend just now...
  7. S

    Come On With It Stoners! can you be bored when you're stoned? i have a story to tell, not great but it was one of the scariest moments in my life. me and four of my friends was going home from another friend. we had smoked quite a lot and everyone is really high. we get into the car and drive out of the...
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    What are you thinking?

    Sitting on the beach with bob and smoke all day long, and then make a song together...
  9. S

    Going to Amster-D

    We're planning to go around the 10th of June depending on when the school's out for two of my friends...Maaan i'm fucked right now...hehe. You should go at the same time, meet up and blaze up! peace Rollin
  10. S

    Going to Amster-D

    Me and some friends are going on a roadtrip down to the capitol of smoke. We're not going until the summer but we are just so excited that we're already planning. I was wondering if anyone been there and if so, please give me some guiding, not only to coffeeshops but also cool places to visit...
  11. S

    Funniest movie watching when stoned

    Yeah it's funny as hell when stoned (also when not). I still have to say Half Baked, maybe not the funniest but THE greatest stoner-movie. By the way, i'm gonna light one up is beautiful (i'm a little buzzed already)
  12. S

    If Everybody Smoked A Blunt

    ...and leave the mind the world could be a better place... there's your answer man!
  13. S

    Weirdest/craziest thing

    Hey man. A year ago or so I met an old friend and he told me to read the book (books?) and I was just wondering about the name on the book and the name on the author. I really must read it...peace
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