Recent content by Skicat

  1. Skicat

    How long does it take for plants to respond to pH adjustment?

    millertm...I had recently posted a thread called "Need some input from you experienced growers " which shows some pics. I have (had) one plant where the leaves had started yellowing and the other had twisted new growth as well as she had not been growing much in the last week or so. My...
  2. Skicat

    How long does it take for plants to respond to pH adjustment?

    Thanks millertm. My fingers are crossed and hoping for the best.
  3. Skicat

    Need Advice - Plant Won't Start Flowering

    Hey Torst. As far as the views and no replies.....all I can say is what most are probably thinking......WTF! That is very odd. I've never seen that mutation? Deformity? Very interesting. All I can say is it doesn't look male or hermie to me. I'd like to see a more overall view though as...
  4. Skicat

    How long does it take for plants to respond to pH adjustment?

    Just like the title asks...... Assume you have had a high PH soil for the past couple of weeks. You adjusted the feed to bring the soil PH down to the proper level. How long does it take for the plants to respond to the correct PH and end any nutrient lockout?
  5. Skicat

    Need some input from you experienced growers

    Thanks for the reply AK. Water going in has been about 6.6/6.5. I've never checked the runoff. Maybe I'll have to check this. The soil itself is about 6.8. I've just never seen this 'Droop' in the leaves without it being over or under watering......This morning they looked better. Funny...
  6. Skicat

    Need some input from you experienced growers

    I am currently in week 5 for a Nirvana Bubblelicious and No. Lights. (Autoflowers) 3 gal. Airpots FF Happy Frog amended with perlite and dolomite lime. AN Sensi A&B bloom, Calmag (Tangs easy schedule) (2) Mars-Hydro 96x3 at 24" Temps 68-77 RH 30-40 I thought that I was being really...
  7. Bubblelicios


  8. Yellowing no. Lights

    Yellowing no. Lights

  9. Overwatered?


  10. Tent shot

    Tent shot

  11. Skicat

    Win A Perfect Sun 1000 Which Has More Lux & Par Than A 1000W HPS you take bribes?!? LOL..... I think this is an awesome thing you are doing. I have been secretly lurking and stalking your threads and grows, amazed at the freaking monsters you grow. Turns out....ITS THE LIGHT! I did a few auto grows last year but posted on another site. I am...
  12. Skicat

    Should I pH my Tiger Bloom nute water in FFOF soil?

    Hey Sbga... Sounds like it could also be a cal-mag deficiency. If you could post some pics, it'd help. Are you using LED's?
  13. Skicat

    Skicat checking in

    Thanks for the welcome....:high-five: I probably will start a journal as I would like input and advice. Probably this weekend after the girls have popped up.
  14. Skicat

    Could I setup carbon filter like this?

    re: Could I set up carbon filter like this? Hi there Homeless Rat. I was contemplating venting out my window as well but the one thing that concerns me is that when your fan has to be on 24/7, especially in flowering, there is quite a bit of noise coming out of the duct. I am wanting to...
  15. Skicat

    Season of Autos - 2016 Soon To Be Spring Grow - Mars Hydro LED

    That Sugar Mango is absolutely beautiful Jim! I love those colors.
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