Recent content by smeghead

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  5. S

    Bignstrange's 4x4 800W COB LED Grow Tent - Promix - New Grower - Drop In!

    Hi big...those girls are looking serious contenders now..happy happy. Me personally would leave the humidity where it is, at least until they've finished the stretch. Stretching girls still like a bit of humidity. My blue cindy is two weeks old, she looks tiny compared to your girls. Do you...
  6. S


    Chris the tin foil (aluminium) isn't a good idea, it creates hot spots and doesn't reflect that well. Your origanal background was better, or flat white paint has a better reflective surface.
  7. S


    Yeah chris that's plenty of light now. Definitely watch it doesn't get to close now, those bulbs kick out some heat. 1 foot sounds good, but if the leafs start curling then raise it a little. Just a little bit of air movement and you'll be golden.
  8. S

    Some Gear No Idea - First Grow Under CFLs & LED - Candida CBD Strain

    re: Some Gear No Idea - First Grow Under CFLs & LED - Candida CBD Strain Buds usually start to appear within two -three weeks, very strain dependent. Some are quicker than others. She should show you her sex within a week or so, tiny little pistel hairs where a branch meets the stem.
  9. S


    It says 400w light. Is that a LED light or HPS, CFL?
  10. S


    They look a nice colour chris. Just get as much light on them as possible. Depending on what light you are using, you want to get the light as close as possible WITHOUT burning them. What light are you using? Also they look like they got a watering not so long ago, let them dry out a little...
  11. S

    Help - Problems with seedlings spots and discoloured

    Yeah mate, this stuff can be usefull, but you need to know the ph of the water your putting in the soil. I take it this place is a general gardening place, as useful as these places can be, they're selling stuff for house tell you the truth doubt that bloke knows whats in the soil...
  12. S

    Some Gear No Idea - First Grow Under CFLs & LED - Candida CBD Strain

    re: Some Gear No Idea - First Grow Under CFLs & LED - Candida CBD Strain They look great geek. Yeah , you can start chasing you're tail round in circles trying to get perfection. You got it well under control. I worry more about temps this time of year and at the moment ive got them 26° lights...
  13. S

    Help - Problems with seedlings spots and discoloured

    Ok..that sounds a bit random from the guy at the shop.ha ha He might be on the level, but might be worth a second opinion. There's loads of dedicated soils for cannabis that definitely tell you whats EXACTLY in or not in your soil. Have a look on the famous Internet shopping site, they got some...
  14. S

    Some Gear No Idea - First Grow Under CFLs & LED - Candida CBD Strain

    re: Some Gear No Idea - First Grow Under CFLs & LED - Candida CBD Strain Alright geek, thought id slope over here to talk to ya. Without spending alot of money and like you say drilling holes in walls and building purpose built grow rooms, its always gonna be slightly up here down there...
  15. S

    Help - Problems with seedlings spots and discoloured

    Good day new. Yeah 5.5ph is a bit low, the soil is a little hot for that baby.. How are the other 2 ?.. If they are good it can't be to bad. The only options for spotted girl are : Run some plain water at 6.5-6.8 through the pot to raise the ph...although this might work, the soil still...
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